Page 86 of Forced Allegiance

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Luciano called Stefano to make sure that they’d sent out the cavalry and to find out where she was last.

There were two guards waiting for us at the airport, and they drove us straight from the airport to her apartment. When I got there, Elana was sitting on the couch crying, and as soon as she saw me, her cries deepened.

“I have a confession to make, and it may help you find her. She told me that… well, your sister, she had a secret she didn’t want you to know about.” She cringed at having to tell me this. “She made me swear not to tell, but I can’t keep it from you.”

“What is it, Elana? I won’t be mad at you, but I need to know.” I couldn’t believe that my twin kept a secret from me. We always told each other everything. I didn’t want to doubt her words, but it just didn’t fit with the picture of my sister.

Elana hiccupped and worked to stop her crying. “She’s been working at a secret job for a few years.” She closed her eyes a bit on her bottom lip. “She’s a stripper and was saving up money to run away from the mafia life. She’s been saving and putting money away for years without you knowing anything about it.”

I blinked a few times at what she was telling me. “How could she have managed this?”

“The bodyguard knew,” Elana confessed. “I told her it was stupid and I told her it wasn’t a good idea.” More tears poured down her cheeks. “I think maybe he was trying to run away with her. I thought she would tell you first, and she didn’t take anything with her. So maybe that’s what they did. She might have been trying to go and take advantage of you guys being gone to run away.”

“But, that just doesn’t feel right though.” Elana wrung her hands in her lap. “Why would she tell me all of that and then not let me know? It could just be my PTSD and the way things have happened, but something feels off. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner about my sister being a stripper?” I demanded.

“Would you ever believe me if I said that? Your shy sister?” Elana accused.

Taking a breath, I stopped and studied Elana. “No, probably not. I’m sorry. That’s not fair to you. If Carina wanted out, then she would have been secretive and you aren’t responsible for her actions.” I shook my head, bewildered.

“I just wish that you could have told me so I could have at least gotten it out of Carina and then she could have told me what was going on.” I gave Elana a sad smile.

“This makes absolutely no sense.” My heart was breaking that my sister didn't confide in me. I turned to my new husband. It felt so strange calling him my husband. I barely even had a fiancée and now I was married.

“What was the name of the club? Do you know?” he questioned gently.

“Yes.” Elana nodded.

As soon as we got the name from her, we prepared to head out to check it out. The business was just starting to open at this time of night.

“She left for work, but never came home. I wasn’t sure who to tell or if she was trying to leave and I was supposed to let her go,” Elana mentioned, wringing her hands. “But when Stefano called, I knew I should tell him.”

Elana was panicking, and I knew she thought that I would probably be done with her after this, but I wouldn’t.

“She does everything in cash. So there’s no pay stubs to show you. I hope some of that helps.” Elana had given us all that she knew about the situation.

“It’s not your fault. We’ll see if we can find out a timeline. It’s only been twenty-four hours and that’s still in the window of time to find out what happened,” I said to reassure her as much as it was to reassure myself. “We have to go now, but I will stay in touch. Thank you for telling me all this now. It helps.”

We had enough muscle and we knew how to make people talk. When we arrived at the club, everything was just getting into full swing.

“We’re looking for this person.” I held out a picture of Carina on my phone for them to look at.

“Nope, we can’t help you,” the bouncer responded as he eyed our immense entourage.

It was the typical response, but my new husband was done playing games. He pulled out a gun and waved it in the face of the bouncer. The other bouncer was about to pull his, but the rest of the soldiers drew their weapons, and he put his hands up.

“You might not know who I am, but you’re about to find out.” He pressed the gun into his neck. “We need to speak to the owners now.”

“Yes, sir, let us get them for you.”

This wasn’t the kind of incident that the club would call the police for. After all, places like this had much to hide, and if need be, by the end of the night, we’d own this place.

We walked into the owner’s office in the middle of a blow job. He stood up, cursing and reaching for a gun as the woman screamed and huddled in the corner.

“Sit your ass down, and answer my wife’s questions, and I might let you live.”

“I won’t be answering any questions. You come into my place of business and demand answers. Well fuck you.”
