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Except he would be sitting in a jail cell for a very long time soon. Which was just as well, because Rowan would have liked to unscrew his head from his shoulders for treating his daughter that way and daring to bring Sienna into it.

The prince was willing to pay a billion dollars for Sienna, pocket change for him but a lucrative deal for the ring. He had become obsessed with her and it took all their control not to punch holes into his face. She was theirs.

And she was worth more than all the money in the world. After they took turns to redden her ass for not telling them what her plans had been all along.

The minute Lawson had uncovered everything, they had made sure that Emily was rescued. Lawson had hacked into a server and from there into another and another and found Emily’s coordinates.

She wasn’t marked as important cargo and the cells in which she was being kept were easier to find. After Cameron called on some of his buddies to do the clandestine rescue of Emily, Lawson had intercepted communication to the contact listed as Sienna’s buyer with a message the deal was off.

The buyer had replied and demanded to know who they were. After Lawson had flexed some of his skill, particularly taking a billion dollars from the ring’s account—one that was more legit for appearance's sake and paid it back into the prince’s account—he was taken more seriously.

Setting up this meeting served the purpose of letting them know who they were dealing with and why they should think twice if they wanted to pursue the sale.

Now they were sitting across a table from a prince of a foreign country telling him Sienna was no longer for sale.

“Is she still a virgin?” A well-dressed, older man, with a calm and clipped manner, did all the talking, while his client, the prince, hid behind a pair of thick sunglasses.

“She is not. Every single part of her belongs to us. Every single part of her,” Rowan said slowly so it sunk in deeper.

There were quiet whispers between the man and the prince.

“My client will pay whatever you want for her.”

“She’s not for sale,” Cameron said, reaching a level of annoyance that required a lot for him to reach.

They were asked to meet at a restaurant in the town which unsurprisingly had been cleared of all patrons and staff.

“My client has the ability to make you the richest men in the world as soon as tomorrow. This kind of offer will only come by once.”

“Not interested. Here’s what’s going to happen. See my brother over there, Cameron? He’ll kill half your army before you even know you’re under attack and he’ll do it with his fucking bow and arrow.”

Cameron lifted his weapon of choice. His speed and accuracy were legendary and no one had more fun with their weapon than Cameron.

“And my other brother, Lawson? Give him a gun, any gun and you’ll regret it.” That was Lawson’s thing. He was a chief sniper, never missed a target. “But that’s not all he can do. Couple of clicks on his keyboard and he can drain your accounts just like that. You can go from rich to poor in a minute, maybe more, if your security is decent.”

Rowan stood up and strolled over to the prince and his man.

“My weapon of choice is my rage. Unleash it and you won’t live long enough to regret it. The girl is off the market, off-limits. She belongs to us. Quote the code CTYHZ and anyone worth their expertise will tell you not to fuck with us. Have I made myself clear?”

The man cleared his throat. His eyes had widened when Rowan had quoted the code they went by.

“Indeed you have, Mr. Carter.” He rose to leave, but the prince still wanted to play ball. He leaned down and started whispering urgently into the other man’s ear. When he straightened, the prince rose to his feet and nodded stiffly.

“I can safely conclude we will have no business dealings now or in the future. Gentleman,” he said then ushered out the prince, his array of bodyguards, and himself.

Satisfied that the prince had had the better sense not to take them on, they could now tackle their biggest problem yet.

And that was all due to the fact that they had fallen in love with her. They would kill any man who touched her, or looked at her the wrong way.

They would lay down their lives for her, but fuck they needed to stay alive so they could protect her from making any more stupid mistakes.

She was never going to leave their sight for the rest of her life.


Sienna paced up and down the den. She folded her arms, unfolded them, wrung her hands together, sat, stood, and just tried not to fall apart completely

But she did.
