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She dropped herself onto the sofa, curled her knees up. She hugged her middle and just cried silently.

She had been in over her head from the start. She had no clue what she was doing. The only thing that mattered was saving Emily’s life. Somehow in her mind she started to look at it as repentance. Part of it still felt as if it was.

She had met Emily Martin and her mother once at a charity event she had attended with her Aunt Jackie. She had been fourteen years old and so was Emily. The event was a picnic for underprivileged families.

There was something so devastating about the way Emily had looked that broke Sienna’s, young heart. She wanted to give the girl everything she owned. And so she did. She only kept the clothes on her body. She even gave Emily her shoes, her phone, her sunglasses, everything that was in her cute little handbag which had been one of her favorites.

She had forgotten she had two tickets to a live concert, for a popular teen singer at the time. VIP seats too. She had bought one for Alyson, but she knew Alyson—unless Alyson could pay her for the ticket, she wouldn’t use it. It was the code and boundary of their friendship.

When Emily, so excited and yet so humbled, found the tickets, she tried to give them back to Sienna. But Sienna had told her it was hers now. She would never forget the excited look Emily had given her. She had at once said she was going to take her mom because it was her birthday soon.

But Emily had lost her mother during that concert. There had been a structural issue in the VIP section and her mother had died from internal injuries when the building collapsed. Emily was left with a permanent limp. And Sienna had believed it was her fault.

At the time she had been too young to understand the legal implications. Emily’s father had immediately tried to sue the Gallagher family. But it never made it to the courts because there were zero grounds for restitution.

Despite that, the Gallagher brothers still paid Emily’s father a hefty sum of money which included schooling for Emily and a small trust in her name. They moved and when Emily’s father lost all their money gambling, it was Sienna who secretly sent Emily checks every month so she could take care of herself and her little step-sister. But nothing could appease her guilt. Not until Emily had begged her to take her place. To be sold like a piece of meat.

But the way the Carter brothers had exploded around her when they unearthed the whole scary and nerve-racking plot surrounding her and Emily, she was forced to rethink her actions.

Something had ticked Lawson off and prompted him to check up on Emily. When he found her missing he dug deeper.

And everything she had tried so hard to contain, to limit in nothing but a glass case had shattered around her.

They had discovered everything. From the phone call, she had received from Emily to the instructions she had to follow. To her sending her compliance to a number listed on the phone and agreeing to present herself in thirty days where she would be shipped to a foreign country and sold to a foreign prince for an amount of money that made her blink, she, an heiress herself where money was no object. But Emily would be set free. Sienna would have saved her life.

She had to do all that willingly. Had to follow a procedure that would appear as if she had wanted to disappear herself.

If she failed, Emily would die.

Sweet, innocent Emily. Everything that had gone wrong in her life had been because of Sienna. From the first time when they were fourteen to now at twenty-four.

Maybe she was cursed.

All she wanted was her friend, Alyson, just to be near her. She always felt as if she could do anything when they were together.

But no one could help her now.

She couldn’t even imagine the level of trouble she was in with the brothers.

The last few nights had been the most amazing nights of her life. She was taken, shared, driven insane after being deprived of orgasms, then begging them to stop when she couldn’t have another one.

They had fucked her as hard as they wanted, as gentle as they wanted and she soaked up every memory, every touch.

Every time her dark future cast its shadow over her, her gaze would land on the set of keys they kept in a bowl on the entrance hall table.

But when they left that morning, they had told her not to even try leaving. The boundary of their land was fenced and Lawson had rigged it so that no one got out and no one got in unless their names were Rowan, Lawson, and Cameron.

She lost track of time. It felt like forever since they left the house. Worry gnawed at her.

What if something happened to them? They were dealing with the world’s worst people. Cold-blooded murderers.

She wouldn’t be able to survive if something, anything happened to them.

Oh God.

When she heard the sound of their pickup, she jumped up and ran to the door.

They were okay. All in one piece. But they were also still fuming mad at her.
