Page 14 of The Bodyguard Freed

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I feel myself start to break down. But then Lars Lindbergh steps into my office. He’s surrounded by an entourage of men, half of them his lawyers, Margo had told me.

But his presence hardens me. I don’t have the luxury of fleeing my responsibilities. I’m the Queen of Strohamden. But more than that, I’m Mrs. Langley. Which means I don’t back down.

“Mr. Lindberg,” I say as they all bow to me. Igor has brought in more of his men. My imperial office is now lined with more people than I can count.

“Please, take a seat.”

He’s wearing a cast on his wrist and his arm is in a sling. I can tell he’s in pain and that he needs to be popping a lot of painkillers too.

I don’t say anything. I plan to handle this strategically. Sweden partnering up with us in Strohamden to open our very lucrative mines will benefit them greatly too. I’m not at their mercy and they know it.

Lars clears his throat.

“It was an unfortunate incident that has resulted in this,” he says then gestures to his arm. Still, I say nothing.

“The timing could not have been worse either. We were on the brink of making history, Your Highness. For that reason, I have consulted with my country and we have come to an agreement. We are happy to continue in this venture and we will be happy to bring our expertise to your homeland and see it prosper.”


My heart is pounding. I try so hard to maintain an aura of coolness. Yet I know it’s not going to be as simple as water under the bridge.

“What has happened to me has caused me a lot of embarrassment. Not to mention an incredible amount of pain. To that end, in order for us to resume business with a clean slate, I demand a public apology from your husband, Your Highness. I want it to be globally received, on all news networks and all channels online as well.”

My heart misses a beat. But then a frosty layer of silent fury cools my blood.

I stand up slowly. All the men seated do the same. I am after all a queen.

I walk around my desk and then close the distance between Lars and me. In my high heels, we’re about the same height.

“My husband will not be apologizing to you in any way, not publicly, not online, not even on a little handwritten slip of paper. Do you want me to repeat that, Mr. Lindberg?”

“Your Highness, with all due respect-”

“My husband doesn’t apologize to anyone. And if you decide to take this matter up further,” I lean in, whispering the rest of my words only for his ears. “Then you’ve grossly underestimated what he’s capable of doing. No one will find your body, Lars Lindberg, trust me. Not in this lifetime.”

I step back and smile at him, all innocently.


“I understand. It’s unfortunate that we couldn’t come to some sort of an agreement. My regards to your prime minister. But Strohamden will continue to look for an investor for our mines. Good afternoon, Mr. Lindberg.”

I dismiss the man and his bloody lawyers and stupid bodyguards.

I dismiss everyone from my office. My father comes to me when we’re alone.

“You did the right thing, my darling daughter. Strohamden will not be beholden to another country let alone a giant size prick like Lindberg.”

I smile at my father’s colorful language.

“We’re back at square one,” I say miserably.

“Something will come up. You’ll see. Your determination won’t let you down.” I offer him a weak smile. He nods at me and then leaves me alone in my giant palatial office.

As soon as I’m alone, I drop my face into my hands and wrecking sobs leave my body. I cry until I’m hiccupping, until I feel as if I’m dehydrated.

And then I just sit there at my desk. Staring at nothing. Feeling empty.

The sun goes down behind me. My office becomes shrouded in darkness before it’s lit by an early moon.
