Page 36 of His Stolen Bride

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He kissed her again and didn’t let her up for air until she had to bang on his chest.

“Mine,” he roared.

All Vivian had to do was trust the other two Knight brides. They knew what they were talking about.

She might not have honored her mother's wish for a better life but now that she thought of it, her mother wanted her to be happy. They both were not happy living in the Antonelli compound.

But this here now, with Elliot. This was her happiness. Her destiny. He was both her happiness and her darkness. He took care of both sides of her.

She was a Knight bride now, no doubt on her side.


5 years later

Vivian lifted her sunglasses and blatantly ogled her husband and eight-pack in the pool.

The last five years had been nothing but bliss, a good indicator of what the rest of their lives were going to be.

Of course, she got into trouble and they had heated arguments, she was married to a man who ran the mafia with his brothers after all. But all that just made their make-up sessions that much more delicious.

Elliot had somehow gotten hotter, sexier and he refused to stop giving her babies. She was pregnant with baby number four. Not quite as huge as a house, but she was getting there.

Baby number one had been a girl. Number two, a boy. Number three was a girl and she had no idea what baby number four was going to be.

They had moved out of Elliot’s apartment and into a house that looked like a palace on the outside but was riddled with toys and diapers and feeding chairs and cartoon characters playing loudly on the TV. She would have it no other way.

Anna and Uncle Matteo lived with them but they had a choice of taking a wing if they wanted extra privacy.

Anna had taken her time to adjust but once she found her footing she excelled every day. She was studying Egyptian mythology online and loved every minute of it. Uncle Matteo had started dating and that seemed to reverse age him.

Everleigh and Arabelle were her rocks, her pillars, her best friends. With seven, soon to be eight, once Vivian gave birth, kids between them, they were a big family.

Everleigh had three kids of her own, all three boys, and Parker would have it no other way. Everleigh was convinced her next baby would be a boy also so she was holding off for a bit.

Arabelle had one little girl. She had arrived only last year and her father, Silas was so smitten with her, that he didn’t think he could love another child as much. Which meant Arabelle’s itinerary mostly consisted of ways to seduce her husband.

Their family get-togethers were chaotic, loud, and filled with love and laughter.

It was uncanny how similar the three Knight men were Vivian soon discovered. Which meant their wives had lots in common to talk about. But then Vivian realized, the three wives were also slightly similar which was why they got on so well.

She loved them all deeply.

Elliot and her children were her universe.

They protected each other. For always.

She lowered her sunglasses back onto her face and then closed her eyes with a smile on her lips

