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I can’t argue with my baby sister. In fact, all day I’ve had the gorgeous doctor on my mind. It would’ve been better to meet him in a bar, in the bakery, hell even on the street. The fact that I arrived as a patient probably makes him see me as some sick girl. One of the dozens of people he sees on a daily basis. Not that I care.

I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t care.

“I swear he had the hots for you.”

“What?” My head snaps up from my work. “Why?” A sly smile spreads across Emmi’s face. “I mean, what would make you say something like that.”

“I don’t know, probably just the way he was looking at you.”

“How was he looking at me?” I try and keep my voice steady. The last thing I need is for my baby sister to smell blood. Emmi is known to get carried away with the tide.

“Like he wanted to jump your bones.”

“Ew! Emmi.” I toss a piece of hard candy at her head. She ducks just in time. Youth is definitely on her side.

“What, you don’t want him to jump your bones?” My sister throws the candy back at me, but I’m not quick enough. It hits my chest and ricochets to the hardwood floor.

“It’s the turn of phrase that’s so icky.”

“So you’re not denying it?” She leans forward on my desk, wagging her eyebrows up and down. Of course I’m not denying it. Last night I had a fever dream. On the exam table with Doctor Armstrong’s hard body pressed up against me, the dream was so vivid I woke up in a near orgasm imagining him kissing up and down my neck while he teased my opening with his rock hard—

“I knew it.” Emmi’s finger flies at my face.

“Don’t you have something to do?”

“Nope.” Emmi pops her gum and takes another swig of coffee.

“Well, I need some air.” I hop up from my desk, water bottle in hand, grab my jacket, and head to the front of the store. “I’m stepping out for a bit” Both my sisters Carolyn and Winona are up front today. They nod and go back to whatever it is they were talking about. I swear the two of them are lovestruck.

The crisp, cool air feels amazing today. The kind of weather that can clear your head. I grab a seat at the café table on the side of the building and take a deep breath. Formulating an exit plan is probably something I should stop putting off, but it’ll be expensive to move back to the city. I pull my phone out from my pocket and open my calculator app. Nothing makes me feel better than crunching numbers.

With my head down, fingers frantically typing numeric scenarios, I don’t hear someone walk up alongside of me until their shadow blocks the sun. A small gasp escapes my lips when I see who it is. “Doctor Armstrong.”

His towering frame looks even more gargantuan with me sitting. He looks more like a biker than a doctor in his black leather jacket, hair slicked away from his face, accentuating his crystal blue eyes. “I’m off the clock. Call me Davis. How are you feeling?”

…I’m pinned to the exam table. His hands work their way up my skirt until he finds me dripping wet.

I clear my throat and nix the dream image from my mind. “Better.” I feel a little weak standing this close to you, but other than that… “Thanks. What brings you all the way over here?”

“I’m craving a piece of pie.”

I accidentally laugh out loud. Lord help me. “You came to the right place. I’ll walk you inside.” Davis lends me his arm as I stand. “I’m not going to fall, Davis.”

“Can’t be too cautious.” He smiles and my panties drench. The patch of gray hair in his beard gleams in the sunlight. The doctor’s powerful stance turns me weak in the knees. Which reminds me…

“Look, I’m drinking my water.” I tap the water bottle beside me.

“I see that.”

We stare at each other for a moment. When I’m not about to pass out, I have a chance to really take in how beautiful he is, including his Roman nose. I’m not sure how one man can be put together so perfectly, but dammit he’s easy on the eyes.

We head toward the shop. As soon as we round the corner, I see all three of my sisters up front near the counter. “Shit.”

“What’s wrong?”

I don’t want to tell him that if we go in there it’ll be like I’m throwing myself to the wolves. The handsome doctor already makes me nervous as hell, something I’m not used to. Having my sisters there trying to embarrass me will only make things worse.

“You know, I actually stepped out for some air. What do you say we go for a walk instead?”
