Page 89 of Malibu Heat

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“Well, this temptation must get moving. Was it the caterers at the door?”

“It was, and unfortunately I have to get right back.”

“What a shame. I’m about to take a shower and I was going to ask you to scrub my back. Are you sure they can’t wait,” she purred, suddenly not caring about John walking into an empty house.

“Sadly no, and you’re being a very naughty Goddess,” he scolded as she circled her arms around his neck and pressed her naked body against him. “You’d better be careful. Even Goddesses can be spanked,” he warned, and before she could respond he landed a hot slap on her backside.


“There’s more where that came from.”

“Do you promise?” she purred, wanting him to know she wouldn’t object.

“I guarantee it,” he said, then taking a breath, he added, “You may have to leave, but we both know you belong here. We’re going to figure this out.”

As he abruptly turned and walked from the room, Stella stared after him.

Let things develop. They’ll fall into place. They always do.

The wise words echoed through her head once again.

They were true, and she had hope.


* * *

AFTER A LONG, HOT SHOWER, Stella called Stephanie and made arrangements to stop by, then headed downstairs to say goodbye to Matt. Though she longed to hug him, there were people everywhere and it was impossible. Moving through the house, she stepped outside and walked along the beach. Ten minutes later she was knocking on Stephanie’s patio door.

“I’m really glad you’re here,” Stephanie exclaimed. “I need a break. I’ve made us some coffee and I have some pastries from Steiners bakery.”

”Fantastic, I’m starving and I love their stuff.”

Taking their mugs and the pastries out to the patio, they settled into deck chairs.

“So, Stella, what’s on your mind?”

“Steph, I have a huge favor to ask, but please don’t feel you have to say yes. I’m leaving John and filing for a divorce, but I can’t stay at the house. You mentioned you needed an assistant. I was wondering if I could live in your guest house for a little while, and work for you in lieu of rent.”

“Of course you can stay there! I’d love that, and you don’t have to worry about working for me unless you want to. If you do, I’ll pay you. But we can talk about that later. Bring over a suitcase right away, then you’ll be set if you have to leave in a hurry.”

“Stephanie, thank you! It’s a huge relief to know I have somewhere safe to rest my head.”

“Can I ask, does this have anything to do with Tony?”

“Yes and no,” Stella replied thoughtfully. “He’s been like a stepping stone and I owe him a great deal. I know he—uh—gets around, but he’s a really good guy. I hope he finds someone special.”

“Yeah, me too,” Stephanie murmured. “It’s about time he settled down.”
