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Joel sits down and slides a loaded breakfast sandwich in front of me. I don’t know if I want to eat it in two bites or vomit.

I unwrap it and take a bite. It helps. But I still let out a groan.

“Couldn’t you have brought one back for me?”

“No, we’re meeting the girls. Well, Sarah and Rae… Mackie is down visiting Hyla.” Great. Just what I need. Rae to see me when I’m at my absolute fucking worst. “Speaking of, did you talk to Rae last night?”

The mention of her name makes my gut twist.

“No. Why?”

“She texted you yesterday afternoon. She wanted to talk to you.”

“About what?”

Joel fidgets in his chair, then shakes his head. “That’s not for me to tell you, but you should talk to her.” I mutter out a curse word, but Joel continues. “There is something I need to tell you, though.”

With his words and the sound of clattering across the dining hall, I grumble and drop my head onto the table.

Before Joel can say anything else, Miles says, “All right. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“I maybe got drunk last night. I went to that sorority party.” My voice is muffled against the table, but I think they got the point.

“You got drunk?” Joel asks with surprise.

“Since when do you get drunk?” Miles asks.

“Since last night, apparently,” I snap, pulling my head back up from the table to look at them.

Joel squints at me. “That’s not the only reason you’re pissed off. What’s wrong?”

I blow out a breath. They’re gonna crucify me. “I hooked up with someone.”

Joel’s jaw about hits the table.

“Seriously?” Miles says, eyes wide.

“You did what now?” Joel asks. He shakes his head. Then I see sadness in his eyes. And I wonder what Rae wanted to talk to me about. That she’s into Kevin? But that doesn’t explain Joel’s reaction.

“One of those girls who was flirting with us yesterday, she was there, fed me shots. It was stupid, I know.”

“What did you actually do? Or did she—” Miles starts.

Lowering my voice and looking around to make sure no one at a nearby table is listening, I say, “She gave me a blowjob and then we…”

“Fuck’s sake,” Joel says, rubbing his palms into his eyes.

“Look, I know, okay? I’m not proud of myself. For a lot of reasons. A whole lot of reasons. Most of them unrelated to Rae.”

“Are you gonna tell her?” Miles asks.

Joel stares at Miles, gears turning. I’m not sure if he thinks I should or shouldn’t.

“Why would I tell her?”

“Because she could find out,” Miles says. “Pretty easily.”

“I don’t know why it even matters. She was kissing Kevin yesterday.”
