Page 28 of Lifeguard Leo

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“Oh my gosh.” She covered her mouth.

“I was knocked out. Laney and the surfer got me onto the beach, and Lifeguard Leo pumped my stomach and gave me mouth-to-mouth.”

“Are you okay?”

“I have a bruise on my back where the surfboard hit me.”

“And Leo took care of you?”

I smiled and my heart fluttered. “He did. It’s so weird because I feel like something happened to us during the whole ordeal. I can’t explain it. He ended up spending the day with me, holding me when I cried and was really sweet. Anyway, he deflowered me, spent the night… It was amazing. That’s all I’m going to say about it.” My face was on fire. I’d never talked to my mom about boys before. She appeared to be taking it better than I expected.

“You said you didn’t use protection.”

“No, we didn’t. He wanted to, but the thought of a condom during my first time grossed me out. He wanted me to take the morning-after pill.”

She gasped. “Did you?”

“No. I couldn’t. Leo wasn’t thrilled about it. He doesn’t want kids and isn’t what I’d call marriage material. He’s more of a lifelong bachelor. He likes his freedom and has a reputation with the ladies.” Dammit, why was I word-vomiting? I didn’t want her to think badly about Leo.

“Maybe he’ll change his mind. Finding the right person can do that, you know?”

“What? Do you really believe it can?”

“Yes. I do.” She stood and opened her arms to me. “Give your mom a hug.”

I did as she requested. We weren’t usually a huggy family, but I’d needed more affection in my childhood than I’d gotten, so I jumped at the chance for it now.

“I love you, Scarlett. I always will, no matter what. Please be safe. And if you ever need anything, I’m here for you.”

“Thanks, Mom. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

“Just one more thing.” She pulled back to look into my eyes. Hers were the same green as mine. “You might want to get tested for STDs. Just in case, since Leo was a stranger and given his lifestyle. I just want to be sure he was honest with you.”

“I believe he was, Mom. But it wouldn’t hurt to be sure. I’ll get tested when I get back. I’m due for a Pap anyway.”

“Okay. I need to get started on dinner. Wanna help me?”

“Sure.” I exhaled a breath, feeling lighter than I had since I arrived. My mom didn’t give me her approval or disapproval regarding Leo but was neutral. It was good enough for me.

I still didn’t know what to do about Leo. I had a feeling he might stop by my house, but why, I wasn’t sure. Laney hadn’t texted, saying he’d been by, so maybe he forgot about me already. It was strange to imagine someone like him being interested in someone like me. But why should I care? He was free to be with whomever he wanted, including me.

I had five more days in Montana. I wanted to leavenow. Not that I didn’t enjoy being with my family, I did. But there was a man in California I was becoming more desperate to see. I needed to find out if what I felt for him, he felt for me. If he didn’t, if it was one-sided, I could move on.

It would hurt.

But I wouldn’t regret the night we spent together.

I followed after my mom. “Would you be too upset if I cut this visit short…”



I’D BEEN A miserable fuck the last six days. Nothing that normally made me happy did a thing to lift my spirits. I literally had been counting down the days until Red returned from out of town. I never did shit like this. Never.

I milled around my large, empty house, walking the floors and staring out the wall of windows. My stomach was tight, and my muscles were coiled in my neck. I felt like an addict going through withdrawals. Perspiring, jittery, mind whirling with thoughts of the unknown. I was totally fucked up over Red. And she wouldn’t be home for three more fucking days. THREE.

I grabbed my keys, set the alarm, and left. I hadn’t been to Dave’s Tiki Bar all week. I’d purposely avoided it because I didn’t want to deal with women sniffing around me. But I was bored and needed a distraction.
