Page 69 of Blinded By Loyalty

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“You’re mine too.”

“Sexy Oaf, huh?” I stifled a grin.

“I sort of forgot to take off the Sexy part. I mean the Oaf part. Sorry. My head is kind of chaotic.”

“Don’t worry, baby, leave it as is. I like being your Sexy Oaf.”

“I love you, Axel. Hurry home to me.”

God, this woman was incredible. After the way I shattered her earlier, she was so quick to forgive me, and I hadn’t even adequately apologized yet.

“I’ll be there before you know it. Get some rest. I love you, beautiful. Bye.” I ended the call with a stupid grin on my face. I didn’t even care my brother was making kissy faces. I was too damn elated… I wasn’t going to die today after all, and Simone still wanted me.

A hand gripped my shoulder. I looked up to an earnest face. “You okay?”

I nodded at Mr. St. James. “Yes, sir.”

“Call me William from now on… Axel.” The look in his eyes was acceptance. I almost hugged the serious billionaire, but I gave him a short nod instead. “Let’s go home. My daughter needs you.” Mr. St. James walked off.

I flicked my gaze to Conrad and jerked my chin. “You heard him. Let’s go home.” I put my arm around my brother’s shoulders and gave him a squeeze.

“Home sounds pretty damn good. Does that mean I get to meet your hotter-than-hot client?”

“No. You get to meet my hotter-than-hot girlfriend.”

“Does she know she’s your girlfriend?”

“She’s gonna know because, brother, I ain’t giving her up for nothing.”

“She’s a lucky woman.”

I exhaled as we exited the casino. “Hell, I’m the lucky one.”

27 Simone

One week later…

“MIA SMELLS HEAVENLY. Sniff her head.” I smiled as Axel did as I told him to. But he didn’t gush over Mia as I did. “Heavenly, right?”

The corner of his lip curled into the panty-melting grin I adored. “Sure. Whatever you say.”

I rubbed my niece’s back as I snuggled her on my chest. Will and Miranda looked on like proud parents. This was the first time I was seeing her since I was released from the hospital. Axel made Will bring the baby to me instead of us going to them.

My man was a bit overprotective and bossy. He was also attentive and gentle, and he constantly showered me with love and kisses.

“Hey, Axel. Think you might want one of those?” Will snickered. The stinker.

Axel growled.

I shot a warning glare at my brother. “Don’t tease him. We just got together. It’s too early to talk babies.”

Axel dropped a kiss on my temple. “If you want one, I’ll give you one.”

My eyes went wide and my heart fluttered. He was the most amazing man ever.

Mia stirred, making those adorable newborn sounds. She’d been sleeping peacefully on me for an hour and I cherished every second. But I could tell Will and Miranda were ready to go. Being new parents was kicking their butts. My precious Mia had her days and nights mixed up. But it was easy to see her parents didn’t mind. Love radiated of them.

“I do want one of these.” I kissed Mia’s head. “But not for a while. I just want to be with you right now.”
