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Mary Paige slid off the bed so quickly she accidentally tumbled gracelessly to the floor. She overshot a little and hit her elbow on the sewing machine that sat beside the bedside table. “Ow.”

He grabbed her arm and tugged her so she didn’t hit the table and the ring flew under the bed. They both dived for it and ended up bumping heads.

“Ow,” they said at the same time before Brennan started laughing. “This is ridiculous.”

She wrapped her arms around him, giggling as she kicked aside the wrapping paper. He pulled the ring out, blew dust off it and held it up.


“So put it on already?” she said, holding up her left hand.

His eyes turned to soft gray cashmere. “Yeah?’

She nodded. “Yeah.”

He put the ring on her finger and lowered his head to kiss her. She met him halfway, which shifted him off balance, and he tumbled onto the hooked rug taking her with him, one of his hands sliding around her back while the other trailed toward her bottom.

Mary Paige felt the whoosh of the door opening but didn’t stop kissing Brennan.

“My lord,” her mother said as the door banged against the wall. “What are y’all—”

Mary Paige’s left hand shot straight up, and she didn’t stop kissing Brennan, who tasted like coffee, salty tears, and a man who’d love her forever.

“Oh, my God!” her mother shouted, obviously catching sight of the ring.

Then the two dogs ran in barking as Freda kept saying, “Oh, my God” over and over again.

Brennan broke the kiss and looked up at Mary Paige with a smile. “Merry Christmas.”

She smiled back right before Izzy’s tongue caught Brennan right in the mouth.

“Ew,” he said, making a horrible face and pushing the dog away as he sat up with her still in his lap. “Gross. Dog spit.”

Mary Paige laughed. “Bah, humbug.”

He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight. “I thought it ended with ‘God bless us, everyone’?”

“Yeah, that, too.” And then she kissed him in spite of the dog spit because he was a man who’d learned to keep Christmas in his heart…and she loved him.
