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“You could be forgiven for thinking that if Ava’s the only one you know, but some of them are worse than the boys.”

“Yeah. I don’t envy you that. I don’t know how you do what you do. I’m not great with kids.”

She laughed. “I love it. I love my job and I love the kids. Days like today aren’t much fun, but …” She shrugged. “Most of the time it’s great.”

“I’m glad you enjoy it. So, you’re all settled here, then?”

“Yeah.” She wasn’t sure if he meant at school or here at the estate or with Jacob, but her answer was the same no matter which he was asking about. She smiled. “I’m happy here.”

“I’m glad. You make him happy, you know.”

“I’m trying.”

“Nah. You don’t need to try. You make him happy just by being you. I used to worry about him. I used to think that Elena might be right, and we’d all end up working for a lonely old man.”

Becca had to laugh. “I thought she was joking when she said that.”

“Kind of. But we don’t need to worry about it anymore, do we?”

“Nope! And it’s great that I don’t even feel nervous or worried that I shouldn’t say anything. We’ve talked about it so much, and I know he tells people about it.” She laughed. “You’re probably going to have to get used to dealing with kids in the future.”

Slade laughed. “I figured as much. For you guys, I’ll figure it out. Jacob, Xander, and Hannah all used to love my dad when he worked the gate when they were kids. I’ll be happy if I can be Slade the gate guy, who sneaks them a lollypop every now and then.”

“No! Not Slade the gate guy – Uncle Slade!”

He shook his head at her, but she could tell by the way he smiled that he loved that idea.

She nodded at him. “We all live in the same place, we all spend time together – that makes us family in my book.”

“It does in my book, too. I’ve always thought of these guys as family.”

“Because they are. And I think it’s about time that we all started being more open about it instead of living by traditions that should have died a long time ago.”

“I’m with you. And I know Jacob is, too. He’s wanted to move things forward, but he didn’t know how before he met you. You’re good for him, Becca.”

“He’s good for me, too.”

“And you guys are going to see your parents this weekend?”

“We are! I’m so excited. It’s so sweet to see him nervous!”

Slade chuckled. “I wouldn’t give him a hard time about that if I were you. It can be tough for a guy to face the parents of the woman he loves.”

She raised her eyebrows. “That sounds like the voice of experience?”

Slade shook his head so rapidly that it made her wonder what he was hiding. “Nah. Not me. You know that.”

“I suppose.” She gave him a stern look, hoping that he might spill something, but he just laughed.

“Go on. You’d better get up to the house and I’d better get back to work.”

“You’re avoiding the subject, aren’t you?”

He gave her a wry smile. “Maybe so, but only because it isn’t time for me yet. My time will come, and I hope it’s soon, but you don’t need to be wondering what I might have going on. You need to focus on what you have got going on. And from what I can see, that’s lots of good things.”

“Yeah.” She nodded happily. “Lots of good things. Okay. I’ll leave you in peace then. Are you coming up to the house for dinner?”

“No. I’m heading straight home when I get done here. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
