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Yep, they cost me a pretty penny as well. All the promises and money I had to shell out to her parents and others to get her to those damn parties and events Thomas was at.

But it was worth it as I look at them now.

Tiffany stands with a hand splayed on her slight belly, and I chuckle that at five months, she is just starting to show.

And damn if I’m not over the moon.

In a few short months, I will have two grandbabies to spoil rotten. And next year, I will have even more as both my grandsons plan to adopt, not babies, but older kids. Kids I can play with and take to the company and show off at the club…

Well...technically, Thomas is my nephew, the son of my much younger brother, but with the way his father is, I consider him to be as much a grandson as Royce is.

“Hey, Gramps,” Thomas says by way of greeting.

We shake.

“About time you two showed up,” I grumble, secretly pleased my family is around me.

“Stuff it, Gramps,” Tiffany pipes up. “We would have been here sooner, but Thomas couldn’t find his favorite cufflinks.”

“Oh, is ‘looking for cufflinks ’ your code word for hitting the sheets?” Royce says, in between a chuckle.

Thomas blushes.

Tiffany laughs.

Genesis elbows Royce in the side, nearly doubling him over.

He straightens and gives her a glare I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of.

She throws him a sly smile.

By the looks of things, I’ll have all the grandkids I can handle.

After buying a picture... or three to hang in my office at the Grayson Building, I find my favorite four family members loitering around the catering table.

I watch them for a moment, talking and laughing. My heart expands, so damn happy it could burst. My grandsons have finally found good women to love.

Pity those knuckleheads couldn’t do it on their own and I had to step in. Either way, it all worked out in the end.

I head on over to them, and interrupt their laugh fest by tersely saying “Goodbye.”

Before I have walked a few steps, my grandson’s wives surround me, hugging me like I am some damn teddy bear. I tell them ‘Enough already’ and proceed to the exit... after making sure we will get together for our traditional Sunday dinner. Tiffany and Genesis nod in agreement. The boys don’t bother.

Their wives are in charge.

The sun is bright over the buildings, and the air is stiflingly warm. I don’t suffer from it much as Jimmy, or Mr. Jones to the rest of the world, is already waiting by the curb with my Mercedes. He opens the passenger door at my approach and I slip inside the cool air of the salon.

Jimmy hops in and we are away, headed home where I can rest my weary bones and mentally prepare for this evening.

A lady friend is coming over tonight. We’ll have dinner. Maybe dance on the terrace if it isn’t too hot, and then—

“When are you going to tell them, Rob?”

“Huh? What?” I heard what he asked, but hell if I want to answer. He bugs me about “coming clean” at least once a quarter and I’m tired of hearing about it.

“You heard me.” He stops for a red light and turns in his seat, frowning. “You know it will come out. There are too many players involved. Tiffany’s dad, the ones we hired at STS, the rest... come on. Someday soon, someone will let something slip, and you will end up looking like the bad guy when in fact—“

I flip my hand in the air, waving off his concern, when I should take heed of it instead. “Yeah, yeah. I know. I know.”
