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As if that is all I am worried about.

After clearing my throat, I say, “I need to tell you all something before we eat. And you’d better sit down as the tale is long.”

They shuffle towards the sitting area. Thomas and Tiffany settle down on one couch and Genesis and Royce on the other. I stand in between.

It is not surprising that when all eyes rest on me; I am not in the least bit nervous. I never have been one of those weak-kneed types, afraid of people’s reactions.

They either can take what I have to say, or they won’t.

But I’m hoping the kids won’t mind a little...well,a lotof intercession I’ve done on their behalf to make things turn out as they should.

I did it for them. For the family. For the future.

“Royce,” I begin. “Do you remember the story of James Willis?”

Royce throws Thomas a look before answering, “Yes. He was the VP of European Operations when I was a kid.”

I nod. “Do you remember what I told you?”

Genesis stifles a cough which sounds suspiciously like a giggle. Royce, with his hand around her shoulder, taps her arm. She clamps her lips together and shifts her gaze off me to her ever-growing belly.

“Um, you said, ‘After what happened between you and your father, I’ve learned to keep a close eye on the people I’m supposed to trust and an even closer eye on those I love. I’ll reward loyalty and punish those who stray with everything I have in me.’”

I nod again, pleased that he remembered it verbatim. It has been my motto for so long, I’ll probably have it engraved on my tombstone.

“That’s right. I reward loyalty. You and Thomas have been there, helping me run the company and foundation since before you could legally work. You went to the schools where I wanted you to go, you kept your noses clean by never bringing a scandal down on the family name, and for that, I rewarded you by finding your wives.”

I expected shocked faces.

I expected their wrath.

Never did I suspect them to bite their lips, holding back laughter until Genesis snorts like a pig on a farm. One by one, they all join in, laughing like loons.

I cut over them, wondering what is the joke that I am not a part of. “Why are you laughing?’ I say, slicing through the ruckus. “Did you not hear what I said?”

Royce says, “Gramps, we have known for some time that you bought STS for the sole purpose of throwing me and Genesis together—“

Genesis interjects, “For the longest time, we couldn’t figure out why you paired him with Tiffany—“

She cuts in. “Daddy let it slip—“

“When was that, Littlebit?” Thomas asks Tiffany. “Shortly after the wedding, right?”

“The very day Tif was supposed to marry Royce,” Genesis says, in between snorts.

They all start laughing again.

Here, I have to smile.

Thomas and Tiffany had flouted the norms of marriage and kept the same date, the church, and the venue of what would have been Tiffany’s and Royce’s wedding day. The only change they made was re-sending the invitations to those that had RSVP’d with Royce’s name crossed off and Thomas’s printed above it.

Folks thought it was hilarious and the switcheroo was the main subject during the reception. In between bites of cake and dancing to disco, people speculated what had exactly gone down between the kids. The rumors I heard had me laughing the entire time. Of course I didn’t deny or confirm them, that was the fun of it.

Thomas had proposed to Tiffany the day after the night they had told me in no uncertain terms, Thomas was going to run the company and Royce the foundation. And if I gave them static, they would never darken my door again.

By standing up to me, Royce gained someone who would help him loosen the tight control he has over every aspect of his life, and with Tiffany, Thomas had become his own man and not my brother’s dutiful son.

Which is what I wanted all along.
