Page 75 of Until Him

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I bend my knees, arching my hips up and Theo gasps.




He’s chanting now, completely unhinged and I’m so gone for it. I lean up and reach for him, pulling his mouth down onto mine. I want to kiss him and taste his desperation, his need for me.

It’s silent in this apartment except for our moans and the slick, slapping sound of me entering his body.

It’s filthy and so fucking hot that I’m starting to combust.

“Theo,” I say, wrenching my mouth away from him. “Wait.”

But he doesn’t stop, he just slams his mouth back on mine and rides me until I feel my balls draw up. With one last thrust, my come sprays inside of him, and as I mark him, he releases across my chest, warm and wet until we’re both slumped over from exhaustion.

“Theo,” I say softly when I’ve managed to catch my breath. I’m still inside of him, plugging him. I never want to pull out.

“Fuck, Logan,” he mutters, swiping at his forehead. “Why is this so good?”

Our eyes meet and the pink tint on his cheeks darkens a bit. He’s so damn…beautiful.

I reach up and cup his cheek and he leans into it slightly.

“Theo…” I begin, but he cuts me off.

“A free tutoring session,” he blurts, and I close my eyes, the moment broken.

“Fine, yeah,” I say, over it. My hand flops down to the mattress.

I’m over him always bringing it up.

This was so much more for me, but he’s never going to let me in.

I throw an arm over my eyes and breathe deeply as Theo watches me. I know he is because I can feel it, his heavy gaze on me. But I won’t look at him. I can’t.

My rapidly softening cock slips from his ass as he moves off of me.

I keep my face covered as the bathroom door snicks shut. Then, and only then, do I open my eyes. Curie is watching me from the kitchen counter.

“Don’t blame me for this,” I mutter, sitting up and looking at the mess on my chest.

I need to leave. I don’t want to hear about how much heowesme, or what I owe him. I stopped keeping track a long time ago.

I quickly wipe up the mess on me, toss that shit in the trash can, and then pull on my clothes.

As I’m walking out, my phone buzzes and I see my brother’s name on the screen, and for the first time in an entire year, I don’t ignore it.

Fucking Theo, being so damn perfect and imperfect at the same time.

Infuriating man.

“Hey, Landon,” I say, pulling the door closed behind me and shivering slightly. The adrenaline has left my body, leaving me cold.

And alone.

If he would have let me, I would have stayed. I would have held him tightly all night long.
