Page 111 of Damn Roommate

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“I came with him.”


“We talked before we came here,” he admits.

“He’s not mad at you anymore?”

“He is. But he has no choice.”

I frown. I try to regulate my breaths so as to calm the frantic beating in my chest. Everything about Nolan makes my heartbeat even faster. His build molded in his hockey jacket, his raw jeans cut to perfection on his athletic legs, his narrow hips, the abs that I can picture under the light fabric of his black sweater, his curls that fall on the top of his forehead, his mouth that pinched with concern, and his gaze. Dark. Painful. Lost.


He walks towards me. I don’t move, he stops before he even touches me, staying at a distance that is both reasonable and terribly tempting. His smell fills my senses and I close my eyes for a second to stop myself from jumping on his neck. I’ve been waiting for him to come to me for days and knowing he’s here freaks me out even more. I know he came to tell me one thing.

Good or bad.

“Look at me,” he says.

His finger rests under my chin and he lifts it slightly, forcing me to look into his eyes.

“Please forgive me for pushing you away like I did. I should never have let you go, and made you cry.” With his thumb, he wipes the tear that slides down my cheek. “I should have stood up to your brother. I should have been with you all this time and not run away like I did. I’m a coward and I apologize. I didn’t think it would get this far.”

“It’s a little late to come back, don’t you think?”

He shakes his head.

“I have no excuse for that. I will never be able to erase the last three weeks and I know that. I tried to push you back as far as possible to pick up the pieces with your brother. I foolishly believed that I couldn’t have you two in my life, so I took the easy way out. I tried to forget you, because our relationship was new, and I was hoping to get over it for Edgar. But I should have known it was already too late. You’re too far under my skin for that.”

“You hurt me.”

He takes my hand and puts it on his chest. Beneath my fingertips, I feel his heart beating wildly, echoing mine which continues to pound in my chest.

“I know and I hurt myself in the process,” he breathes. “Because you weren’t there. I’m so sorry, Scarlett. I’m sorry for pushing you away, for trying to forget you. My life without you is not the same.”

I take a deep breath. His statement sends a whole bunch of stuff through my body. Even though I had hoped one day to hear him tell me that he loves me, I didn’t expect there to be stronger words. A nicer way to let me know. Then the invisible weight of a new rejection from my brother takes over, “And Edgar?”

“Edgar can say whatever he wants.”

“And if he doesn’t accept?”

Nolan chuckles softly and seeing the little wrinkles in the corner of his eyes tickles my stomach. He’s beautiful when he smiles, and I had almost forgotten how much it affected me.

“He’s the one who drove. He knows very well what I came to tell you.”

“And you came to tell me what?” I challenge him.

He smiles, because he has already said a lot and he doesn’tneed to add anything more to convince me. I was convinced as soon as he opened his mouth. I take another deep breath. The smell of his skin is making my head spin.

“To ask for your forgiveness.” He grabs my hip to pull me back to him, eyes shining. “To tell you that I miss you.”

I liquefy.

“To tell you that I love you, Scarlett.”

His chest presses against my chest and his hot breath ricochets off my face.

“Asking you to give me a second chance.”
