Page 16 of Elemental Traitor

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I looked up at him through my lashes, trying to look sexy, but probably failing with two-day old makeup smeared from crying. “I can think of how to use those traits in a very fun way.”

Adam gulped. “Wanna see the house?” I nodded. “I was going to introduce you to the gang, but that can wait.”

He hopped out of the truck and came around to open my door. I climbed down to the ground and took his hand.

“I could stand for a shower and toothbrush.”

Adam laughed. “I can provide those.”

He directed me around the large house and down a forest trail.

“Are we safe out here?” The enemy could be hiding behind any tree. I watched carefully for them.

Adam didn’t look concerned. “Carmon and Lady Life are inside the house. They can spot anyone entering the property with their Life element. I have a link to both of them, so if there’s trouble, they’ll tell me. Then, I can fight trouble off until backup arrives.”

“What about the Mindolin? He can come and go as he pleases.” Did that not worry Adam?

“I have a feeling that the Mindolin won’t bother us until after we’ve talked with our mom. For some reason, she knows something about this guy. I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s a piece of work.” Adam’s tone changed when he talked about his mom. From past conversations, I knew she’d never been in his life. Something I wished would have happened in mine growing up.

I would’ve asked more questions, but the cutest log cabin came into view. It had a small porch and a brick chimney. Did that mean a fireplace? I snorted inwardly at myself. Of course a Fire Elemental wouldn’t build a house without a fireplace. Right? The idea of Adam being a Fire Elemental still hadn’t sunk in yet. The idea wanted to overwhelm me, so I pushed it aside and admired the house.

“Oh my gosh, Adam. It’s beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it. I’d hoped you would.” Adam looked pleased with himself in the early morning light.

“How could I not? It’s perfect.” I shivered in my sweater. The walk to the cars from the city had been chilly. Now, with the adrenaline gone from my system, the cold was seeping into me. “Could we go inside?”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry, baby. I’m not cold. The fire in my veins keeps me warm. You’ll feel that way too once we’ve bonded.” I squeaked when Adam turned and swept me off my feet and into his arms. “And the groom is supposed to carry his bride across the threshold of their home.”

“We’ve been married for four years, Adam.” Where was this romantic side coming from? Had Adam missed me that much? Yeah, he’d always been a great guy, but more rough around the edges than this.

“Yeah, but I’ve never had the opportunity to carry you into a home that was ours. Four years, and we’ve never lived together. I’m done sneaking around, baby. I love you, and I want the world to know it.” He smiled at me as he unlocked and opened the door into our own home.

My eyes dripped happy tears. We’d been sixteen when we’d met. After a whirlwind romance, we’d married after I turned seventeen, two weeks after him. Hazel and Connor had been our witnesses. They’d married two years after us. Their parents were in the picture and had wanted them to be older so they knew they were making the correct decision.

We’d been children then. Being under Adam’s care and not my alcoholic mom’s seemed like a blessing. He’d taken care of me over the years, providing me money so I didn’t have to work and could afford to live any place I wanted.

I’d stayed close to Mount Pickett, renting a house in Rusolo. Not having a job and being young had been, and Adam had no problem with me spending the money he was making. Not that I’d overspent, but buying a few new outfits, especially when I knew we’d be together again soon, was fun.

The fun had died down a year ago. Adam had been gone more. Then, about six months ago, maybe a little more, he’d come to me stating that us being seen together would be dangerous for a while. He wanted me to keep my head down, and he’d find me when things settled. He hadn’t expected for things to escalate instead of settle.

I’d begun working in Mount Pickett after that so I could be safe and hear the gossip. Knowing Adam had been in the academy for the past week and I couldn’t see him had killed me. Being in his arms now, the pain from our separation vanished.

We walked into the cabin, and a kitchen was located to our left with a table. A set of stairs going down separated the kitchen from the living room, where a large—overly large, in fact—fireplace sat in a wall with couches around it. Stairs on our right led to an upper level with doors.

The place was smaller than the large cabin we’d pulled up in front of, but it was quaint and the perfect size for us.

“It’s perfect.” A little chilly, but perfect.

Adam set me down in the kitchen but grabbed my hand to pull me into the living room.

“Come sit down. I have a blanket you can wrap up in until it warms up in here.” He sat me on the seat closest to the fireplace and wrapped me in a blanket. He’d never been this caring before either. He’d never been rude, but he’d never been so concerned for me and my welfare.

“Adam?” I caught his attention, and he paused. “Not that I’m not loving your care, but it’s not like you. What happened out there?”

He sat on the table in front of me. It had been built from thick beams, so it held his massive weight. When he’d sat and become comfortable, he held out his hand. He didn’t want me to take it, instead cupping it. Smoke drifted up from his skin, and in the next breath, flames ignited. Adam held a small ball of fire in his hands.

“Holy cow!” My eyes were wide as things became real in my head.
