Page 17 of Elemental Traitor

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Adam laughed as he held the hand with fire closer to the fireplace. The flames rose, leaving his palm, and floated to the fireplace, where they ignited the logs waiting there.

“Amazing,” I breathed, watching the fire eat at the logs. They were beautiful. Even more so since my husband had created the flames.

“I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but I didn’t know if I was allowed to. No one defies Lady Life, and I wasn’t sure she’d approve.” Adam rubbed his hands together. “Do you know how Vampires and Demons bond?”

Since I did, I nodded.

“Elementals bond the same way. But don’t worry,” he rushed to go on when my eyebrows rose, “it doesn’t hurt or anything like that. Not with Elementals.” His cheeks pinkened in the firelight. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”

Vampires and Demons drank each other’s blood to bond. Adam was saying he drank blood as well? I wanted to gag, but the way he spoke held me back. This was something important to Adam.

“I know you’re hesitant,” he continued when I didn’t say anything. “Blood drinkers are supposed to be horrible people, and the act of taking another’s blood is seen as vile. I’ve never taken blood from someone who wasn’t willing, and I’ve only taken it when I needed to heal or gain energy. I don’t need blood to survive.” His shoulders fell. “If I don’t bond with someone, anyone, when we go up against the Mindolin, we will all die. The entire world will fall. I’m not sure how, but Life is adamant about this. I’d give you more time to think on this, but time isn’t on our side.

“If you don’t choose to do this with me now, my uncles will force me into a bond with someone else. I don’t want that. I just need you to be positive that you want to be with me for the rest of your life, because a bond can’t be broken.”

I shook my head. “There’s no one I’d rather be with, Adam. For years I’ve longed for the next time we would be together. I know things aren’t going to be easy between us. We’ve never lived together, and we’re different from the people we were when we met, but I still love you.” I couldn’t live my life without him. Even the thought made my stomach sick.

“Let’s do this, Adam.” I could make it through a few weird minutes. If I ignored the fact I was drinking blood, I could do this.

His eyes were concerned. “You’re sure? I know how crazy this sounds.”

I stood. “What do I need to do?”

Adam’s eyes began to smolder. Oh boy, was I in trouble now. The boy’s eyes smoldered when things were becoming hot between us. Ha, hot. That’s why his eyes seemed to glow in these moments between us.

Fire raged in his eyes as he stood, taking me by the hips, and spinning me toward the couch where he sat. I squeaked when he pulled me down, but his strength guided me so I faced him on his lap, my legs on either side of his legs.

Our bodies were close, creating a heat and excitement in my blood. Adam’s hands moved to my butt, and anticipation had my hands grabbing fistfuls of his hair.

“You’re sure you want this?” Adam’s voice was gruff, and he kept staring at my neck.

“I want you, Adam.” In every way, I wanted him.

My lips crashed onto his, and he growled, the sound reverberating from his chest. One of his large hands tightened on my hip while the other one went behind my neck to keep me close so he could take over the kiss. Desire shot through me, and I moved closer to him, if that was even possible.

Adam had always been the best lover. Not that I’d had any other than him. I’d always feared I wouldn’t find anyone who’d think me attractive because of my height. Adam liked my height. He liked everything about me, and he showed me often when we were together. Even after four years, we were still in the honeymoon phase.

Our kisses grew hungry. Adam nipped my lower lip, making my breath catch. Instead of deepening the kiss, he moved to kiss my neck. I wasn’t disappointed at all as my breathing continued to come in and out in pants.

When Adam’s teeth rested against my neck for a millisecond, I stiffened. Then he bit down, and I moaned in complete and utter pleasure. Adam had made me feel good many times, but nothing like this, and the feeling didn’t last long enough.

“No,” I begged when he pulled back. He had the nerve to laugh.

“It’s okay, baby. I’m sorry. I can’t drink more. I’ll explain later.” At least he sounded regretful. “Now, it’s your turn to bite me.”

“Will it feel the same for you as it did for me?” I rubbed my nose along his neck, and he shivered. It wasn’t often I could make Adam react like that.

“Yes,” he gasped.

Then I could look past the fact I was drinking blood to give Adam such pleasure. I could make the sacrifice. I just needed to bite and not think about what I was drinking.

The taste of Adam’s blood surprised me after I bit into his neck. He tasted sweet. I wanted more. Needed it.

I dug my teeth deeper, and my hands tightened in his hair.

“Oh, baby.” Adam moaned and pulled me from him. I did not appreciate that.

Adam attempted to lay us down on the couch before I could complain. However, in our lust-filled state, we ended up on the floor with Adam overtop of me as we grabbed at the other’s clothes.
