Page 18 of Elemental Traitor

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I don’t know how much time we spent loving each other, but I couldn’t get enough of my husband. When we’d finished, I rested in his arms as he peppered kisses gently, slowly, down my temple to my neck.

I love you, baby.

My sigh was filled with contentment as he nuzzled his nose into my temple. If every moment could be this blissful, I wouldn’t mind. However, these little moments would be scarce as our world fell apart.

I love you too, Adam.I’d never given him a nickname. To me, he was Adam, my rock and safety.

I feel your happiness. I’m trying to bring my wall down so you can feel mine, but it’s tougher than I thought. I’ve kept it up to shield my emotions from my brothers.

“How are your brothers?” Adam running his fingers through my hair almost put me to sleep.

“I’m not sure. I’ll need to check in with them. Sophie should be finished healing Dalton by now.” He sounded tired. “Hopefully Cal is back on his feet, because leading isn’t my thing.”

“Well, I can check with Sophie.”Sophie, how’s Dalton?

“No, you can’t. You don’t have a link to her.” Well, that was depressing.

Uh, hello?

I stilled. Adam had just said I wouldn’t have a link to Sophie, yet she was in my head.

Sophie?I asked the voice.


It’s Brynn.“Um, Adam. I’m talking to Sophie in my head.”

He stilled and opened his eyes to look into mine.Who can hear me?

Adam?That was a different girl.It’s Sylee.

This is Grace.

This is Drew. What is going on? How are the girls in our links?

Hi, Jazz here. This is so cool!

“This is insane.” Adam smiled and shook his head.Brynn and I are bonded. I wonder if that’s why all our links connected.

This will make things a lot less complicated. Oh, this is Tessa.

How are Jeff, Dalton, and Cal doing?That was Adam.

This is Jeff. I’m awake, but sluggish. Archer’s blood helped, but I need more.

Grace again. Dalton’s healed but sleeping.

Sylee here. Carmon woke up but is asleep again. Lord Healing and Lady Life say he’s going to be okay. He’s trying to wake up, but the Mindolin stole his energy. Seriously, I want that guy off my planet. So, Adam and Brynn, I’m sorry you don’t have much time to reunite, but I want you guys here in the big cabin in half an hour. Grace, the same is true with you and Dalton. Tessa, I’m sending a few Neutrals and cadets your way for Jeff as a blood donation. Again, you have a half hour. Ladies and Lords, I don’t think I need to explain how serious this is. Watch your backs. Adam, figure out Brynn’s powers.

I smiled at Adam. “Looks like you don’t have to worry about being in charge after all.”

He gave a hearty laugh. “I guess not. Who knew Sylee had it in her? It’s her place, though, if she wants it. She may be a Lower Elemental, but Water trumps Fire. I’ll let her take command if she can get us moving.”

“What are my powers, Adam?” I didn’t feel any different.

“Let’s go to the main house, and I can explain this to you. I want you to meet my brothers and sisters. They’ll want to know you, too.” Fear must have flashed over my face because that’s what I felt deep down. I didn’t want to embarrass myself by doing my powers wrong, whatever they were. Adam ran the backs of his fingers over my arm. “Don’t worry, baby. You’ll do great. Besides, each of the Ladies have struggled at one time or another with their elements. Sophie especially. They’ll be a big help and support to you.”

With a sigh, I rose to my feet. “Okay. I want that shower and toothbrush first, though.”
