Page 19 of Elemental Traitor

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“Right this way, and I’ll show you our room. I’ve wanted to show you since I helped Drew build the house.”

Adam took my hand and pulled me toward the stairs. Four doors came off the balcony. He pointed to the first and said it was our room. The next door and last were bedrooms. The door between them was a bathroom.

“Um, Adam.” I looked at the two rooms. “You should know I haven’t taken anything to prevent a pregnancy since we last talked. Since I didn’t know we were going to be seeing each other, I didn’t bring any of the pills.”

We’d talked about children before. Adam had been adamant he wasn’t ready, and didn’t know when he would be, for babies. I’d missed taking them once before, and he’d been upset about it. I’d been a mess until my cycle had started. I hadn’t missed since.

Adam followed my gaze to the other rooms. “Believe it or not, Jazz gave birth to triplets two days ago or so. Right before Rusolo and Mount Pickett fell. Lord Healing fixed her up enough she could function. I’ve never seen my brother so happy. His babies, they’re beautiful. Watching Drew take care of Jazz and seeing how he’s grown as a person with the four of them, I want that, baby. I want to watch your belly grow with our child. I’ve never wanted that before. If you want a baby, I won’t say no.”

I gawked at him. I couldn’t help it. Who was this man?

“I told you I’ve changed, Brynn. I hope you like this man even better than the man I was before.” Adam’s jaw quivered, and I reached between us to cup his cheek. “I’ve watched the people I care for most come close to losing their lives, and I’ve seen them go through the worst pain and torture. I didn’t want that for you, so keeping you away made sense.

“I’ve also watched them fall in love. The way they treat each other is not the way I’ve treated you. Brynn, you deserve better than what I’ve given you. I vow to do better. You are my first priority now. I’m so sorry for how I’ve treated you in the past.”

What had happened to these people to change Adam so much? My heart went out to them all. Now I really wanted to meet them.

Brynn’s eyes marveled at the log cabin around her. Excitement poured to me from her link. Never had I predicted how wonderful a link with her would be. I’d had an idea, but it hadn’t come close.

“Adam, it’s all so beautiful.” Brynn walked to the headboard to examine the flames and fireballs carved into the wood of our bed. I’d watched Drew create the masterpiece. Where once a violent, egotistical man had carried a heart of darkness, now light emanated from him.

“Drew carved the headboard, but I built the rest of the furniture.” Drew had been busy building Chris’ cabin since our brother had been missing at the time. Drew had helped us a lot, and we’d helped him with Chris’ place, but he’d carried the brunt of that task.

Brynn ran her hands over the wood, still admiring the craftsmanship. “He’s very talented.” Nervousness crossed to me, but I didn’t ask about the emotion. Brynn would bring it up if she wanted to talk about whatever made her feel the emotion. “I’m a little nervous to meet them all. Your brothers and their mates.”

She gave me a halfhearted glare as I laughed lightly. “You’ll never be as nervous as Sophie was to meet us. She’s Chris’ mate and the Dark princess.”

Brynn’s eyes flew open. “What?”

With a nod, I laughed again. “Not only is she Dark, but she had to come here to ask for our help in saving Chris from her father. It wasn’t easy, and we weren’t exceptional hosts, but she lived through the experience. I think you can too, baby.”

She shrugged and walked toward the bathroom. “Probably. Now, be ready to leave in ten.”

“Yes ma’am.” I gave her a salute while she chuckled and closed the door.

I love you, Brynn.

I love you too, Adam.

Her emotions in my head were mixed with those of the other Ladies. However, even though they were mixed, each was separate and distinguishable, just like my brothers’.

Grace didn’t radiate the fear the other women did. She was a warrior and had been trained for this. However, worry ate at her. Not for herself, but for her team and her mate. She’d watched Dalt be injured before by the Mindolin, but it couldn’t be easier each time.

Sophie could drown you in fear if you focused on her too long. How was Chris still sane after having that amount of fear in his head all the time? The more I learned about my comedic brother, the more I admired him.

Tessa’s emotions didn’t broadcast far. She and Jeff had a deal to always share their emotions with each other. She seemed to be focusing all her emotional power on giving him her emotions instead of spreading them around. What I did feel from her was a bit of concern, but also happiness. She and Jeff were new together. Tessa had also been told recently that Nate was her biological father. He’d raised her after her mother’s death, and she loved him like a dad. Now, he really was her dad.

Jazz had a concoction of emotions from pure happiness to terror to denial. She bounced around all the emotions, and if you weren’t careful, she could give you emotional whiplash. Her babies and hormones were affecting her, and I also had a greater appreciation for Drew. One couldn’t tell by looking at him that Jazz’s emotions were so all over the place. My brother always appeared steady like the earth he commanded.

Then there was Sylee. She feared, but her determination trumped the other emotion. On some level, the other girls felt the same, but we needed to squash their fear more.

Cal? You up yet?My question had been directed to my brother alone.

Barely.My commanding officer sounded weak. I didn’t believe for a second that he was. Especially after all we’d been through in life. Maybe months ago, I would have let the idea pass through my mind, but not now.

Get some rest. We’ll see you soon.

What’s the plan?He groaned, making me glad I wasn’t him. Either his head hurt or his stomach, and neither would be pleasant.
