Page 62 of Elemental Traitor

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I pointed out into the field. My hand shook.

“Marcus, Adam, and I will go check it out.” Carmon stood in the middle of our group. No one had moved far from me even though we were next to the forest.

My head twisted to look into the deathly dark of Bard’s Forest.

“I’m going to throw up.” I inhaled hard. “Look.” Everyone who could see in the dark looked into the forest where I pointed.

“Baby, we don’t see anything.” Adam took my hand and pulled me to my feet. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Adam, you need to light this place on fire now.” I put as much confidence and determination into that command as I could. “The children need to get in the car. Please, trust me.”

I didn’t want to plead and sound less like a strong woman, but I would if it saved the children.

“Do it,” Adam commanded, and people retreated to the cars with the help of those who could see.

“If anyone doesn’t want to fight, they need to hide.” My voice held a calm I didn’t feel. “Our visitors aren’t human.”

No, they were the creatures we’d been attacked by many times.

One moved closer, fast. I was defenseless and should have been one of the people running to the car, but something held me fast to the ground. Anger at what these beasts and their masters had done to our world, the lives they’d taken, raged through me. They’d destroyed Mount Pickett and its surrounding city, taking many, many lives. My friends were dead. Peace was an almost hopeless thought.

“Brynn?” Adam grabbed my arm, but my anger was building too rapidly to just squish it down and allow it to remain an irritation and fear. “Brynn?”

“Adam, let her go.” Lady Air, Olivia, spoke kindly, but with the understanding of thousands of years.

A growl ripped out of the forest followed by another. The men rushed forward.


They halted at my yelled demand. Most of them didn’t seem to have a choice. Fire was a powerful element, but I was a Lower Fire Elemental. Surely, I didn’t have the power to make a full-blooded or half-blooded Elemental obey me?

Yet, they’d stopped. The creatures didn’t, and a smile curved up my face.

“There are two more behind us in the field,” I told the others. “Take care of them and don’t bother being subtle about it. I’ll be right back.”

Adam grabbed at me again.Brynn—

Adam, I have this. Your brothers need your fire light. Just come find me when you’re done. I’ll need to warm up.

I would have kissed him, but I had a job to do.

The forest emitted an icky feeling, and it ran over my skin. This wouldn’t do. There was a chill to the forest.

“Grace! Olivia! I changed my mind. I need you.” The two women, hand in hand, appeared at my side. “The darkness is a living thing here.”

“Yes, the Mindolin,” Grace growled out.

“Yes. He has the same feeling here as he gives off in person. It’s cold and inky.”

Air snorted. “Just like his soul.”

More growls rent the air, and a creature leaped at us. The women gasped as the creature finally came into their view.

It growled before whimpering. Its cries began to grow, and soon it was shrieking. His pain was my fault.

His blood, I heated it up. I began on the others and pushed my heat into them. All the creatures writhed in pain as their bodies began to overheat and the pain of my fire grew. Soon, the first creature burst into flames. The others followed soon after.

“I heard rumors that this place was once a place of beauty. I’ve never seen it for myself.”
