Page 5 of Spurred

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I try to force thoughts of my woman out of my head as I get back to work, but I know it’s pointless. Gwen will be etched in my heart forever, even if I never see her after the summer is over.



“Want another round?”Griz calls above the music. I nod, draining the last of my whiskey sour.

Monty and Griz disappear toward the bar, and I look at Wyatt and Kennedy across the table. They’re busy talking and laughing together, lost in their own world, and I look away, turning toward the crowd.

Bleachers Bar is packed, and I glance around, trying to spot Kai and Oakley. They went dancing seven songs ago, and I haven’t seen them since. I have a feeling that I know where they really disappeared to, but I’m trying not to think about that or the fact that everyone in the world is having sex except for me.

Alright, so maybe not everyone, but it certainly feels like it.

I also might be in a dramatic mood tonight.

“There’s Remy,” Kai says, grinning as he waves at someone over my shoulder.

I turn to watch my boss make his way through the crowd, a bottle of water in his hand and that frown still on his face.

The crowd parts for him, everyone instinctually giving him space. He’s dripping with raw masculinity, yet I know he’d never use his strength to intimidate or hurt anyone. It’s the tenderness in the way he handles the horses when he thinks no one is looking, and how he automatically takes on the role of protector whenever we’re out in public together.

Like right now, he’s scanning the room, assessing any threats. I know it’s not necessarily for my benefit, but it warms me up inside nonetheless.

Remy finally reaches our booth, pausing when he sees the only available seat is next to me. God, this man. Deep brown eyes lock onto mine, and even in the dim light, they hold enough power to send sparks shooting down my spine. He always makes me feel flushed, but tonight every part of me feels extra sensitive. Maybe it’s just because I know my time with him is almost over.

Not wanting to dwell on that fact, I scoot over in the booth, grinning at him. Remy sighs, though I don’t think he’s really bothered by me. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself.

“It’s about time you got here!” Oakley says. “We thought maybe you weren’t coming.” Remy just shrugs.

“Got busy.”

“With what?” I blurt out. He gives me some strong side-eye, which only makes me want to needle him more.


“Ohh,” I say, like that answers anything at all.

He unscrews the cap from his water bottle, and I watch his throat as he swallows. His Adam's apple bobs in the strong column, and I almost moan.

Why is that so hot?

“Are you excited to get back to school?” Oakley asks me. I notice Kai giving Remy a look, but I don’t really understand what it means.

“Kind of. I’m looking forward to my classes this term but not homework and all that,” I say with a groan, and she laughs.

“I hear you! I was so happy to be done with all of that.”

Oakley just graduated and moved back. I don’t know her as well as the other girls but I like her. She’s sweet and so funny.

Remy shifts in the booth next to me, his thick thigh brushing against mine. Shivers race through my body at the slight touch. He shouldn’t be able to have this effect on me. I swear, he glances at me and I’m close to coming from the eye contact alone.

I look up at the ceiling, hoping to get my raging hormones under control. Instead, all I can concentrate on is the space between Remington and me. I swear I can feel each molecule of air between us like I’m tuned to his every move. I don’t think I’ve ever been more aware of a person in my entire life.

“Man, I need to get laid,” I mumble to myself.

I know right away that Remy hears it.

He straightens in his seat, his head whipping to the side to stare at me. I flush under his shocked gaze.
