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This was a terriblefucking idea.

I should have just showered in my own room the way I used to. They way I used to before I’d found out Sophie lived in this block, too. As a permanent station resident, I had one of the larger rooms, with a three-piece bathroom and a fully equipped kitchen. And I’d never had reason to come use the communal showers

Until now.

I wasn’t being a pervert, or anything. It wasn’t like I wanted to catch a sight of her naked. I mean, I did want that. I wanted it so much my throat was thick with it. But I wasn’t trying to surprise her or get in her space by being here. I just...

Well... It just turned out that I wanted to catch any spare moment with her that I could.

But now that I’d actually encountered her here, and had made the stupid decision to take the shower right next to hers, I was aware of just how much of a fool I had become. Because having her on the other side of that thin little wall, naked, was torturing me beyond what I would have thought was possible. I was so preoccupied with the sounds of her clothes rustling off of her body that all I did was stand in the shower stall, not moving, not even taking off my towel to turn on the water.

“X?” came Sophie’s sweet voice, and, Galkor’s gods, it almost had me tearing down that fucking wall. I took a breath, forcing myself to say something halfway normal back to her.

“What is it? Did you walk into the wall in there or something?”

Her tinkling laugh made my back tighten.

“Rude,” she said, her voice jaunty with teasing sarcasm.

Beside me, I heard her start up the water. If the water’s going, then she’s definitely totally naked, now...

That thought was a dangerous one. I clenched my fangs together, doing my utmost not to picture what she looked like under the silky flow of the water. Doing my utmost not to imagine what her hair looked like, soaking against her neck. How her body curved with no clothing to hinder it...

You are a maniac. Maybe I was a pervert after all. It felt filthy to think of my kind human coworker this way. But then again, she hadn’t exactly been looking at me innocently when she’d seen me in my towel. Curse these humans and their flighty responses. Fear and attraction could appear so similar in them. The quickening of the pulse, the widening of the eyes, the flushing skin. But I was pretty certain that she wasn’t scared of me anymore. She hadn’t really exhibited any fear around me apart from our very first moments of meeting. All in all, she was a remarkably open-minded person, and had accepted me quickly.

I wonder how open-minded she’d be knowing you were hard right now because of her?

Sighing, I looked down at my towel, tenting forward with my erection. I took several deep breaths, trying to cool my arousal, but at that very moment the sweet scent of Sophie’s shampoo drifted over the wall, and I was done for. Totally done in by her, without even seeing her. After she shampoos, she’ll probably wash her body... Those small white hands, slipping over glistening skin...

My cock throbbed so hard it was almost painful, and I bit back a growl. I needed to get myself under control. I wasn’t going to relieve myself in the communal shower – that would have been beyond disrespectful to the others using the facility. Although, if Sophie and I had been alone in there...

That thought sent another throb through my shaft, making me groan and place my hands flat against the wall, the pads digging in, the claws clacking against the stone surface.

“Are you OK in there?” Sophie’s concerned voice asked.


“Yes,” I ground out.

“If you say so. You made a weird noise. And are you not even running the water? What are you doing in there?”

What am I doing? I am using every ounce of my iron-clad Chimera will to not smash through the wall between us and pin your naked body to the wall with mine.

“I’m fine,” I muttered. I yanked off my towel, grimacing at the brush of rough fabric against my swollen cock. I turned on the water, letting the drops stream over me. The warm water did nothing to calm my aroused body. If anything, it made it worse, sensitizing every bit of my hide. I contemplated turning the water down so that it was cold, but I held back a hiss at that thought. I was cold-blooded, and I ran my showers hot. Cold water was uncomfortable for me. But that being considered, it would probably work for my purposes...

I huffed, water spraying from the force of my breath, as I held my hand under the automatic soap dispenser. Unlike Sophie, I hadn’t brought my own cocktail of cosmetic concoctions that smelled a whole lot like some of the sweet drinks we served. So I used the soap provided in the showers here. It was serviceable stuff, and I sudsed up my hid, scrubbing under my arms, down my torso, then legs, to my feet. I got some more soap, scrubbing it over the top and back of my head and neck, running suds up my horns then standing beneath the water to rinse it all off. I still had to wash my groin area. I’d been hoping my erection would have subsided, just a little, before I did so. It hadn’t, so I resolved to just get it done as quickly as possible.

As soon as I started rubbing my soapy hand between my legs, Sophie sighed audibly from beside me, making me freeze.

“God, this feels so freaking good,” she moaned quietly. I squeezed my cock, hard, jaw snapping. And then you can fucking bet I cranked that water down as cold as I could stand it.

And when she moaned softly again, I made it even colder.
