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My tablet whirringwith an incoming call woke me from a deep, softly human-scented sleep. I woke quickly at the sound, snatching the tablet from my pants on the floor. I eased out of the warm cocoon of Sophie’s bed, taking a small moment to admire the peaceful curve of her features. The tangled dark spray of her hair on the white pillow. I’d spent most of the night while she’d slept looking at her, but I still couldn’t tear my eyes away now. But when my tablet whirred again, I ducked into the bathroom, not wanting to wake Sophie.

It was an incoming call from Shelly. I wondered what she wanted. The shop would be open today, but there were still a couple of hours before I was due to be at work.

“Merry Christmas!” her jolly voice said. Right. It was December 25th today. Normally that date didn’t mean a whole lot to me, but now I found myself wondering how Sophie would want to spend the day. For once, I wanted to do something other than work.

“Same to you,” I said, leaning back against the wall.

“Sorry to call so early, but I have some news that couldn’t quite wait.”

I said nothing, knowing she’d burst forth with whatever the news was momentarily.

“It’s Aiden. He’s not coming back. He’s eloped with that prince of his and is moving into the palace.”

I nodded, then remembered we were only doing a voice call. There was no video to show her my acknowledgement.

“I see,” I said simply.

“So I’ll need to find a replacement for him quick.”

I drew in a sharp breath.

“What about Sophie? You could extend her contract.”

For the first time in my life, I waited for something with bated breath. I’d figure out a way to keep Sophie on this station no matter what, but if I could keep her by my side in the shop, too? That would be perfection. I’d grown so used to working with her. So used to having her warmth beside me every day.

“If she’s game then so am I. That would simplify my life by a metric ass-ton,” Shelly said.

“Good. But I do need to ask about your policies on workplace relationships before you make any decisions about this.”

There wasn’t any sense in hiding things with Sophie, now. Shelly deserved to know what was going on in her place of business.

But after a long moment of silence, I started to wonder if I’d made the wrong choice. Luckily it seemed I hadn’t, as bright laughter suddenly echoed from my tablet.

“I knew it! All those little latte hearts!” I rolled my eyes, but felt relief flow through me. Shelly chuckled again, then continued speaking.

“I have no problem with you two being in a relationship, as long as you’re professional while in the shop. You’re not her superior or anything, so I’m fine with it. More than fine with it. I’m really, truly happy for you, X.”

I smiled at her words.

“Me, too,” I said honestly.

“You know what? Let’s not open the shop today. Now that you have someone to actually spend Christmas with, you don’t need to be at work. I’ve gotta run, but tell Sophie I’m going to call her later about her contract.”

“Thanks, Shelly,” I said, meaning it. Shelly wished me yet another Merry Christmas, then our connection was severed. I placed the tablet down on the bathroom counter then crept back to bed, slipping beneath the covers and pulling Sophie’s smooth back against my chest.

“Mmm... What was that?” Sophie asked sleepily. I didn’t think I’d ever used the word adorable before, but looking at her sleepy face and listening to her soft voice, that was the only word in my brain to describe her in that moment.

“How do you feel about continuing to work at the shop with me?”

She jerked her head around to look at me, her pretty eyes going wide.

“Seriously? Is that OK?”

“Just talked to Shelly. She needs you to stay on. And she’s fine with us being together.”

“Holy crap. Best Christmas ever!” she cried.

“I’m glad you’re happy,” I murmured against her neck, slipping my hand to her front, gripping one of her breasts. She gasped quietly, then arched back against me. My hand moved down to circle her clit, my cock hardening when I felt the wetness there. I probed her and teased her until she was shaking, then pressed my shaft into her insane tight heat. It didn’t take me as long to fully seat myself this time, and soon enough I was pumping into her. Her moans punctuated the air between my thrusts, and inside my head her words kept replaying.

Best Christmas Ever.

It was the first Christmas I’d ever really celebrated. The first one I’d ever spent with somebody I loved.

And I knew, as Sophie pressed her perfection against me, that I didn’t want it to be my last.

I was going to celebrate every Christmas, every day, with this woman.

Christmas miracle, indeed.
