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However, everything has changed, but Gio doesn’t need to know the truth. I have enough going on in my life without him meddling. Hell, I do believe Bethany’s blood is on my hands. I snort and toss a thumb toward an exiting Gio and Jace.

“And Nonno wants me,” I say and turn to leave.

The conversation we’ve just had nags at my brain. My curiosity burns to know if Gio was indeed involved. I pick up the pace and jog after Gio and Jace to catch them before they leave.

I find them outside in the courtyard. Gio has Jace pinned to the side of their SUV. My brother is all up in Jace’s face, snarling like an angry lion.

“You need to calm down,” Jace says calmly.

“I knew I smelled her all over you. You said nothing happened.”

“No, she told you nothing happened.”

“Are you crazy? This doesn’t work if I can’t trust you.”

“Gio,” I call out.

“Fuck,” he growls and releases Jace with a shove before taking a step back and turning to me slowly.

“You don’t have to tell me details…but was this…,” I whisper the last part.

Gio licks his bottom lip. “What do you think? And if you don’t wise up”—he moves to get in my face—“I’m going to stick my nose in your shit too.”

I whip my head back. “I don’t need you in my business.”

Jace snorts behind Gio.

Gio grins and pats my cheek. “You keep telling yourself that. See you later, Rio.”

I glare after him as he climbs into the SUV.


I’m still pissed. I take a calming breath and remember the task at hand. Jace has an airtight alibi, that’s all that matters. I turn to look at him as he pulls out of Dante’s front gate.

“They behave just like twins. So fucking stubborn.”

“It’s a family thing,” Jace grunts.

“Shut up.”

He snorts. I run a hand through my hair and run my tongue over my teeth. I run this fucking board, it’s my game and I’ll win every time.

“Bring Holly back. Ny will need her.”

“But Carleen’s pregnant.”

“I fucking know that,” I roar before I catch myself. I crack my knuckles and work my jaw as I reel it in. I shift in my seat. “Change of plans. If we can’t trigger her through training, maybe we can by proximity. I’m counting on Car being Car. When I asked Dario what he wanted, it was her. Only her.

“I’ve opened the gates of hell, Jace. I can’t leave her vulnerable. Not now, not after putting things in motion. Bring Holly back. She and Ny belong with Carleen. That’s an order.”

Chapter 20

Training Day


“I’m about to walk into this meeting, baby. Tell Toni and Blake I said hi. I’ll call you on my way home,” I say into the phone as I cross the street to get to the new restaurant.

This will be my first training session with Jacob and the new line. I met him briefly at the turkey drive, but we didn’t get to talk much. He’s not our usual clean-cut chef, but Dante and Gio said he can cook. I’ll be the judge of that.

“Don’t forget to pick up your tux.”

“I’m on it, gorgeous. I have it in the car.”

“Okay,” she sighs. “Look at us sounding like an old married couple.”

“Nothing wrong with that. After all, we had an epic playground wedding almost twenty-seven years ago.” I chuckle.

“And you are my work husband, remember?”

“How can I forget? Maybe I need to remind you when I get home.”

“Ugh, that is if we’re not interrupted again.”

“Marone, you have that right. I guess it’s good practice for when we have kids. They’ll always need attention—”

Carleen starts to choke on the other end. I pause on the sidewalk, ready to turn and go back home. “Baby, you okay?”

“I’m fine. Water went down the wrong pipe. Listen, Blake and Toni will have a fit if I’m late. I’ll talk to you later. Have a good day.”

“You too, baby.”

I hang up as I walk into the restaurant. The first thing I notice is Jacob pacing the dining room while on the phone. Not usual but his expression grabs my attention as does his posture. Last I heard, he’s been trying to get into Lizzy’s pants.

She’s the sweetest person ever, I can’t see him being frustrated to this point with her. He sees me approaching and rushes to end his call.

“Hey, man,” he says and holds out his hand for me to shake.

I return the handshake. “Dario, nice to meet you.”

He shakes his head. “Damn, you and your brother look just alike. It’s unreal.”

“Twins.” I shrug.

He rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry, I’m sort of nervous. This is a huge move and all.”

“Speaking of moves. This is a long way from Boston, what brings you to New York?”

“One of my brothers has a real estate firm here in New York. My parents are in Jersey, that’s where I’m from originally. That’s why I was at the other restaurant you guys poached me from. I planned to settle there,” he replies.
