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Maybe she had gotten to a car.

Maybe the team would find her.

Anything that meant she was far away from here. Safe from the hands of a madman.

"Igno, just come in with me. I can guarantee your safety."

"Can you? Then the Rogues have gone soft, and I plan on killing every one of you assholes I come across. Including my daughter."

"She's not a Rogue agent. She has nothing to do with this. She just wanted to get to know her father."

"Bullshit. Her mother was a Raven. I know all about Kaya. I have intel too you know. I have men inside of the government."

I knew that much was true. Connor Lohman had gotten out and someone had helped him.

“Why don’t you tell me who your spy is?”

"Don’t think so man. How about you watch as my daughter dies."

Then he went into the maze, and I ran after him. "Lock, if you can hear this, we're in the maze. I need help getting Kaya out."

But there was nothing on the comms, just static. My whole team was involved in the firefight. I booked it into the maze on my own, praying, hoping that Kaya made it out safely.

My lungs burned and my legs felt like lead. My world spun around me a little, but I fought to stay vertical. And then there she was. "Kaya, Jesus Christ, are you okay?"

She turned to face me. Her eyes went wide. And maybe I imagined it, honestly, I probably did because she was still angry with me, but I could have sworn there was a smile in her eyes. She was happy to see—"

A crack of gunfire pierced the air again, shattering the peace and calm around us. Before I could even call out her name, Kaya went down.

And my world fell apart.


My mouth tasted like it was stuffed with cotton and sour fruits. Why was it sour?

My tongue tried to push away the offending taste. I tried to reach for my mouth, but someone was there stopping me. Preventing me from pulling these disgusting things out of my mouth.

"No, no. Don't. You need to rest."

That voice sounded like heaven and everything that I could ever want. I blinked awake, not believing what I saw in front of me. "Jasper?" My voice was rusty and raw.

"Hey stop, don't talk. Just relax, okay? You're going to be all right."

Despite his protestations that I shouldn't talk, I tried to speak, tried to understand what the hell had happened. I was on the ground in his arms.

Was I shot? Someone had shot me.“Ig-Igno. Did we get him?”

I'd heard the gun fire, and I was trapped. Because on the other end of the maze stood my father, gun pointed right at me, or right at Saint, and I was in his way. But he still raised the gun and fired, and I went down.

But was I shot?

Nothing hurt. Okay, my head hurt but in that dull, throbby, too-much-alcohol kind of way.

Saint’s voice was low as he shook his head. “He escaped. But we’re looking for him. The important thing is you’re safe.

“Where was I shot?”

Saint shook his head. “No, you weren’t shot, Sprite. Igno fired, but Gabe took the bullet. Yours truly, only got grazed in the shoulder. Everyone made it home okay. We were lucky."
