Page 40 of Taking the Fight

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Getting distance from him was precisely what I needed. Maybe he’d forget I never answered him about the date. “Go,” I assured him, “I’ll be fine.”

He stormed off with Marcus while I went to one of the bar stations with glasses full of champagne. I snatched one up and took a sip, reminding myself I didn’t need more than one glass; I had to keep my wits about me tonight.

“I thought I’d see you here tonight.”


Groaning, I turned around and glared at the sandy blond-haired jackass who winked at me as he lifted a glass of champagne to his lips.

“I’d rather be at Chuck E. Cheese,” I snapped.

Nikolai laughed, his icy blue gaze full of delight. “You have the same biting wit as your sister.”

In one quick gulp, I downed my champagne and slammed the glass on the bar. “But I’m meaner.”

He moved closer and I could see part of his gun holster hidden behind his suit jacket. “That I agree on,” he said, resting his elbow on the bar. “I see you’re Sellinger’s date tonight. I’m a little jealous.”

Glowering at him, I flourished a hand about the room. “Don’t be. I have no interest in any of this.”

Nikolai’s gaze narrowed. “You sure about that? I mean, you’re here, aren’t you? No one forced you.”

“I’m here for Annika, that’s it.”

He smirked. “Keep telling yourself that, sweetpea.”

I could feel the burning rage inside of me, dying to be let free. “I’m not so easily seduced, you arrogant ass.”

His eyes lit up when he focused on something behind me. “This is going to be good.”

My heart stopped when I heard Seth’s voice. “You have got to be fucking kidding me.” When I turned around, Seth glared at me and then at his brother. Seth was older, but they looked exactly alike except for the eyes; Seth’s were a warm hazel. “What are you doing here, Reagan?” he demanded.

Nikolai cleared his throat. “She’s with the Sellingers.”

“I can speak for myself,” I hissed, trying not to be loud and cause a scene. I moved away from Nikolai and focused on Seth, who wasn’t happy with me at all. He was out of town the last I heard, so I didn’t think he’d be in attendance. “Annika asked for my help,” I spoke. “I’m training her for a couple of weeks. That’s it.”

Seth stepped closer, his voice low and dark. “I can’t protect you when you agree to stupid shit like this.”

“That’s why she has me,” Finn shot back.

The tension in the room grew so thick I about choked on it. I was in the middle of three men, and I had no clue who was the most dangerous out of them. Nikolai seemed to enjoy it all by the evil leer on his face as he watched Finn and Seth stare each other down.

Finn turned his glare to Nikolai. “Reagan has my protection. I don’t want you anywhere near her.”

Nikolai held up his hands. “And I already promised my brother I’d stay away from her. She’s safe from me; I was just talking to her.”

“What about Emerson?” Seth spat at him. My heart stopped at the mention of Braden.

“What do you mean?” I asked, going back and forth between Nikolai to Seth. Finn’s phone beeped and he grumbled something under his breath as he stepped away.

Seth glowered at Nikolai, but he spoke to me. “It turns out the auto parts store accident was a failed hit on him.”

My stomach curled in on itself, and I could feel the heat of my rage scorch every inch of my body. Nikolai held up his glass of champagne, his tone flippant. “I’m neither confirming nor denying it.”

I wanted to kill him, to punch that smug grin off his face. If I knew I could beat him, I’d challenge him to a fight. Nikolai was evil incarnate and needed to be stopped.

Danger emanated all around Seth, sending shivers down my spine. “He’s off limits, brother,” he threatened. “This is my only warning.”

Nikolai lifted his hands in defeat, his evil grin more menacing than before. “Got it. And on that note, I’m leaving.”
