Page 24 of Finding Home

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I received a brief text from Stephen this morning, but he has been silent all day since. I assume that he slept most of the day. Friday nights are probably busier than normal at a nightclub, or so I would presume. I haven’t actually been out to a nightclub except for when I went to get Jasmine the other week. As I finish scrubbing and wiping the surfaces, I think back to last night, feeling like it was all a dream. No man has ever kissed me like that or made me orgasm so quickly. I have never done anything like that before, and certainly nowhere other than a bed. I will never look at my kitchen table the same way again!

There is something about Stephen, I know we are not alike, and we grew up in two totally different worlds, but I feel a strong connection and pull toward him like I have never experienced with anyone before. He is kind, considerate, extremely good-looking, and the fact that he is interested in a simple girl like me still confuses me. I mean, he is a wealthy businessman, who owns popular nightclubs, divides his time between here and New York, and has travelled the globe. From my news article sleuthing the other day, I saw a lot of images of Stephen online, all with beautiful women hanging off his arm. I am positive that his usual girlfriends are supermodels or actresses. Not that I am his girlfriend. Am I? I mean, we did nearly have sex on my kitchen table…

Ahhh, God, this is why I don’t date. I overthink and overanalyze everything. Perhaps I should go to his club tonight and visit him. He has been to my work, right? It may be a nice surprise because I know he has been really stressed lately. Maybe a surprise visit will be a nice thing to do. Before I can talk myself out of it, I pack up my cleaning supplies and hit the shower. I will go early, before he gets too busy with work. Plus, I am not a night owl so I will just stay to say hi and then leave - no big deal.

I spend the next two hours getting ready because Stephen always looks so well put together. I don’t have any fancy dresses, but I do find a little black dress at the back of my wardrobe that I have never worn, it still has the tags on it.

I had purchased it on sale at Macy’s a few months ago, thinking that it was a great dress to wear to our work Christmas party, but as usual, I didn’t go, having to rush out to an emergency work issue with a new foster family the very same night.

It fits like a glove, tight in all the right places and although a little on the sexy side, it is not too daring. It shows my legs, it molds to my butt, and it does a good job of pushing up my breasts so I am taking it as a sign that I am doing the right thing. I am stepping right out of my comfort zone tonight, but I feel confident, and I am keen to see Stephen.

I spent more time than usual on my hair and makeup too. I usually wear my hair up in a top knot, but tonight I have it down in loose waves, made popular by Victoria Secret models. Because my hair is so thick and has an easy natural kink, it takes me less than ten minutes.

I use minimal makeup and opt for a shiny gloss on my lips and a little dark eyeliner. I step back to the full-length mirror to take a look at myself, and I see a totally different person looking back at me. I feel a little self-conscious but decide to back myself and pull at every ounce of confidence I can muster to get me through this hair-brained idea I have had. At least I will fit in. I look very similar to all those stunning women I saw at Stephen’s club last time I was there.

It is now 10pm and I decide to go, not wanting to wait a minute more, knowing that I will talk myself out of going if I wait any longer. I call a cab, a small expense, but I know it is worth it to see Stephen, and I continue to fidget the entire way. I arrive at Nitro and although it is early for a nightclub, there is still a line of people outside the front. They are lining the block.

I stand there not sure what to do. I want to surprise Stephen but the thought of standing in a line with all these people for what could be hours is not very inviting, plus, I am sure the cover charge is equivalent to my weekly gas money, and I would prefer not to pay if I don’t have to. I look to the door, and I see Jake who brought Stephen into the hospital last week after he was attacked. He is talking to the staff at the door, and I make my way over to him.

“Hi,” I say to him and offer a little wave, feeling extremely out of place and totally awkward.

He looks at me and then looks away. He is about to dismiss me when I say, “I’m Molly, I am here to see Stephen?”

His head swings back to me and his eyes widen, then he takes in my appearance.

“Molly, of course, you just look, um a bit different. I didn’t recognize you at first. Come in, I will take you to him. Is he expecting you?”

Relieved that I get an escort and I don't have to wait in the line outside, I scurry through the burley security team who are all looking at me, gaping, and I follow Jake into the darkness. “He isn’t expecting me, I thought I would surprise him,” I say to Jake, and I see him hide a grin.

I stop walking “Is that okay? I mean, I don’t want to interrupt him. Ahh… perhaps I should go?” I say altogether too quickly, beginning to turn back around to leave. This was a bad idea, what was I thinking?

“No. It’s fine I am sure he will be happy to see you. He just doesn’t get many visitors, so it is nice to see you here. Things are just a bit hectic at the moment so please don’t go anywhere by yourself, have Stephen, myself, or another member of my team with you at all times.”

“Okay.” Thinking that all sounds a bit odd, I continue to follow him through a maze of doors. He isn’t taking me through the club, but through a few hallways at the side of the building and then up some stairs. The stairs I remember from my last visit so I know that Stephen should be in his private bar. Jake is in front of me, opening the door at the top and holds it open for me to walk through. As I do, I am greeted by the sight of Stephen, with no top on, with another woman’s hands on his body.

“Oh,” I say and stop abruptly, Jake nearly running into the back of me. Stephen’s head whips around at the sound of my voice and the woman looks up and I feel my heart stop. This was a mistake.




Hearing Molly’s voice, I turn away from my barmaid Melanie who is helping me ice my ribs, which are now a dark shade of purple mixed with areas of black along with my eye since the attack yesterday.

“Molly!” I say surprised and wince in pain as I turn toward her too quickly. I am happy to see her, but very surprised that she is here. Nitro is not her scene at all and the fact that she is here to see me despite it not being her thing, makes me feel like the king of the world. I look at her and damn if I am not the luckiest son of a bitch in the world. My eyes rake over her, drinking her in. She looks fucking hot. She is wearing a tight black dress that fits like a glove, making me want to rip it off her body. For the first time, I see her with her hair down, it is long, thick and shiny, and my fingers itch to grab it.

“Um... I should… I mean, I don’t want to interrupt you, I see that you are busy…” I hear her say as her eyes flick from me to Melanie and back again.

“No!” I shout, finally understanding why she is wanting to leave. I walk toward her, and her eyes widen as she takes in my bruises.

“Oh my God, what happened to you?” she asks softly, and I can see tears form in her eyes as she looks over my beaten body. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid today by staying away from her. It killed me not being able to see her today, the feeling further cementing that I want her in my life. But as hard as it was, I didn’t want to see this hurt in her eyes because I knew she would get upset seeing me like this. Her kind heart is not used to the darkness mine has.

She is staring at me as I walk to her, and Jake and Melanie discreetly leave us to give us some privacy.

“Hey, angel, don’t cry. I’m all right. I’m fine, just a bit of bruising,” I say, trying to calm her.

I am now close enough to her that she reaches out to touch my sides, feeling gently over the bruises of my body before lifting her eyes and her hands to cup my face where she caresses the bruise on my cheeks. It feels nice having her hands on my body. She is tender as she explores, and I don’t want her to stop.
