Page 35 of My Destiny

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“Your wish is my command, Bella.” I slowly pull out before pushing back in, quicker and firmer than before.

Her body relaxes around mine, and I know she is ready, so I don’t hesitate for a moment longer. I grip onto her tight and fuck her like I have wanted to.

Her fingers grip around my shoulders, and I lean down and bite her nipple, sucking it and then biting it again, wanting to mark her perfect skin with my teeth, wanting to mark her as mine.

“That feels so good,” I hear her moan, her head now thrown back, and her back arched as I continue to thrust into her over and over again.

“Your tits are fucking perfect, Bella,” I grit out as I feel my orgasm building. “I could fucking suck your tits and pound you like this for fucking eternity.” I am in heaven, and I never want to leave.

Her body molds into mine, and I lift her legs and throw them over my shoulders as I grip onto her hips and push deeper inside of her.

“Fuck. Jesus Christ, you feel too damn good,” I growl to her, her hands now above her head, stabilizing herself on the headboard above her as I continue powerful thrusts that have her moaning louder.

“Dante… Dante… Dante…” she pants my name as she begins to squirm, and my grip on her tightens.

“Come for me, Bella. Fucking come on my cock like the good girl you are.” And she does.

I thrust into her as she screams my name, her hands scratching the headboard’s fabric above her, her face flushed, her mouth open, her back arching, looking like a delectable swan as I thrust into her once more and follow suit.

“Fuuucckk,” I groan as I come hard, losing myself in her, burying myself deep inside her, wanting to get as close as I can. We are both panting as I look at her, our bodies still connected, her cheeks still flushed and her breasts scattered with my bite marks. I run my hand across each one, feeling her beating heart underneath my palm, the light sheen of sweat making her skin glow even more in the light.

“Wow…” she says in a whisper, her eyes searching mine.

“You alright, my Bella?” I search her eyes, trying to gauge how she is feeling, because that was fucking amazing for me. I slowly ease away from her, gently rubbing my hands up and down her leg.

“I’m good… that was…” She trails off, lost in the moment.

“Fucking amazing.” I bend down and brush my lips against hers, which elicits a small smile and giggle as her hands come up and grip my face either side.

“That was everything I imagined and more,” she says to me, and I smile. “I think I need to make more tiramisu if that is what happens when you eat it.” I am a fucking simp as I smile wide back at her beaming face. I’m truly happy. For the first time in my life, despite all the shit that is going down outside of this house, I am actually feeling more content than I have in a long time, and I know this woman is the reason for it.

“Come on, let me shower you,” I say, and she shrieks a little as I swoop her up, holding her in my arms bridal style. As I walk us into the bathroom, her small body molds to mine. She is exhausted, and while it is not unusual for us to be up late talking half the night, it must be all the activity that has her so worn out.

Turning on the shower, I slowly lower her to her feet and step in after her, keeping her close, her small body curling into my chest as the water flows down our naked bodies. Grabbing my soap, I wash her from the top of her shoulders to her toes and back again, as she leans into me and lets me take care of her. It is a first for me. I have never washed a woman before, during or after sex. I never cared that much. Never had any emotion to want to bathe with them, look after them, or spend a lot of time with them. I am protective by nature, but this level of intimacy is new for me, and I can’t imagine doing it with anyone else.

Anyone except Annie.

She looks up at me then, her bright eyes sparkling a little more than usual. She grabs the soap from me and begins to run it over my skin, and I let her. I let her small hands roam my body, discover my scars and my tattoos that all tell a life history of where I have been and what I have done. I watch her look at a few closely, no doubt wondering what they are or how they came to be. I watch her, enamored by her, as her delicate hands continue to roam my skin, her soft touch like electricity through my limbs, my cock already standing to attention again.

“I like your hands on my body, Little Red,” I tell her, wanting to make it clear to her. Her eyes flick to mine, her cheeks blushing a little, but she smiles in return.

“I like my hands on your body too,” she says in a way that makes me fucking smile. How did this even happen? How did this young woman get involved in my life and totally turn me into a grinning asshole?

I have no idea what we are doing or what the future holds, but I will keep her safe. I will keep her here at the house. I will keep her with me.



I wake up wrapped in the sheets, warm, content, and although my body is a little sore, I have zero regrets. If I could do last night with Dante all over again, I would. I would do it every day for the rest of my life. Last night with him was so much more than I was expecting. And I had high hopes, especially after my first sexual encounter at the trailer park was so lackluster. But I knew Dante would be different. The way he makes me feel, the way my body adapts to his, the way he claimed me and made me his. I feel wanted for the first time in my life, and I want to shout it from the rooftops that I am his and he is mine. I feel like we connected, right from the start.

“What’s got you smiling like that so early in the morning, Bella?” he says, surprising me. I sit up, clutching the sheets to my bare chest, seeing him sitting in his armchair with a coffee.

“You’re still here?” I ask, my heart and body warming at the sound of his voice.

“Well, I have to go soon, but I wanted to see you before I left,” he says, looking at me over the top of his coffee cup as he takes a sip of his morning brew. I smile again, because this is the first time he has been here in the morning when I wake up, and so it is a new step for us. One I welcome. He puts the cup down and leans back in his armchair, the same position he has held each and every night since the moment I arrived. He is freshly showered and dressed for work in his black jeans and black shirt, his sleeves rolled up, showcasing his forearms. He looks deadly, yet I am not afraid of him in the slightest. I pull back the blankets, the cool morning air hitting my bare skin, immediately making it prickle. Still naked from last night, I slip out of his bed and slowly pad across the thick carpet floor to where he is sitting.

Watching me walk toward him, his nostrils flare as he looks over my naked body. As I see his jaw clenching, the feeling of power radiates through my bones. I have never felt such power and confidence before in my life. My life before I met Dante was one of survival, weakness, and I was barely existing. Never would I have been confident enough to walk around naked in front of anyone without my clothes on. In fact, I have never done it before. I thought of myself as insignificant, a nobody. But I trust Dante, and he eyes me like he wants to eat me whole. Like he would do anything I ask of him. It is empowering.
