Page 4 of His Sacrifice

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Present Day

Twelve years Later

“You know how much I hate these kinda things,” I moan to my brother, Rhett, as we walk past the doorman into the club. Ludo and my cousin Sal are following closely behind, and I already know the place has been checked over by Niko who’s waiting inside for us.

“Come on, brother, being out will do you some good. It won’t be long now until you and the Quinn girl seal the deal. Who knows how much playtime you have left?” After rubbing his palms together, Rhett slaps me hard on the back and I give him a side glance that warns him not to go there as we follow the hostess to the VIP section.

I’ll give him credit, Fabian Morretti’s shiny new club is impressive. The rich purple decor and crystal accessories make the place appear classy, but nothing goes on in this city that I don’t know about, and there’s nothing classy about what lurks behind his expensive velvet curtains.

Fabian didn’t invite me here tonight to discuss business, the real purpose of his invitation was so he could show off what he has. And he’s a fool to think this impresses me. My family owns clubs far bigger and much more upper class than this one, and half the people in this city aren’t even aware of it. Successful men don’t need to brag, and they sure as hell don’t seek the approval of others.

Half an hour later, my fingers tap impatiently against my empty glass as I stare across the table at my brother. He knows how I hate conducting business in places like this, he also knows that I hate clients not having the respect to show up on time.

“He’s got five minutes before I’m leaving,” I warn Rhett, getting up from the booth and moving to stand by the balcony that looks down onto the dance floor.

The place is crammed full of people, most of them wasted. The music is deafening, and while I’m thinking about all the other things I could be doing right now, I catch sight of something that instantly sets a chill over my skin.

A vision that can’t possibly be real.

It’s been a long time since my head tormented me this way, but after scrubbing my hand over my face and readjusting my eyes, I still see her body swaying to the music. A wide, carefree smile lighting up her face as she dances with a friend.

It’s been a long time… but I’m sure of what I’m seeing.

Evelyn Lane

The keeper of my most treasured memory, and my very own living, breathing tragedy.

It’s been twelve years since I kissed her in her bedroom, twelve years since she whispered the words that haunt my dreams, and twelve fucking years since I left her.

I still don’t feel ready for this.

“Another drink, sir?” the hostess asks as she approaches me.

“Yes,” I place my empty glass on the tray she’s carrying. “Same again, and I’d like you to send someone downstairs to fetch that girl for me.” This is a bad idea, a really bad idea. But fate has put us in the same room tonight, and I can’t stand the fact that she feels like a stranger to me.

I’m curious as to who she has become.

“The girl in the black dress,” I instruct the hostess, my eyes unable to deter from watching the way Evelyn moves. She’s grown to be even more beautiful than I imagined her to be. Her long, dark, wavy hair bouncing as she moves and the tight dress she’s wearing, far too short for those toned thighs not to command my attention.

“Does she know you, sir?” the hostess asks.

Jesus, is she still fucking here?

Fabian’s staff are as efficient as his timekeeping.

“Yes, she knows me. Tell her that an old friend wishes to see her.” I somehow manage to maintain my patience with the girl.

“Very well.” The hostess nods obligingly before setting to work, while I step out of view and retake the seat opposite my brother.

He finishes trailing his nose over the silver tray in front of him before he looks up at me.

“You good? You look like you’ve seen a fucking ghost.” He dusts off his nose, then slides the tray across to me. I shake him a refusal. I never mix business and pleasure. Lucky for Rhett, being born second gives him the privilege of mixing whatever he pleases.

“Well, well, well, Evelyn Lane.” A smile suddenly lifts on my brother's face as he rushes from his seat and goes to her, lifting her off her feet and spinning her around on the spot.
