Page 76 of His Sacrifice

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Twenty Six


When Raoul comes to bed he tries to pretend that his father’s visit wasn’t important, but I can tell he’s keeping something from me.

“He knows about us, doesn’t he?” I get straight to the point. I know what Raoul’s risking for me and I won’t have anything kept from me over it. His problems are mine now, that’s how relationships work.

“Yeah, he knows, but for now he’s still under the assumption that I’m marrying the Quinn girl. It has to stay that way until I come up with something.” He starts to undress and I lay back on the bed and watch him.

“So basically, he thinks I’m your whore.” I try to sound seductive, hoping that it will lift whatever mood his father's visit has put him in.

“Yeah.” Raoul steps toward the edge of the bed and I sit up on my knees so my face is level with his.

“Do you want me to be your whore now?” I ask, trailing a finger along the outline of his rough jaw.

“You're insatiable.” He manages a smile for me, as his hands slide around my thighs and he takes me off my knees, launching me back onto the bed so he can climb over me.

“I’ve sacked Ludo,” he tells me in between kisses.

“What?” I push him back, this has to be some kind of joke.

“I had to, I can’t trust him anymore, he’s been ratting back to my father.” I can see how disappointed he is by the man’s betrayal, but I can’t say I’m not relieved. The man always had a way of making me feel uncomfortable.

“Are you okay?” I check, knowing how fond Raoul has always been of him.

“No, but I will be. Once all this is dealt with.” I can see all the cogs in his head turning. The choices he’s made tonight are going to cost him.

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll come up with something.” His lips touch over mine and I melt into the mattress beneath me.

My phone starts to vibrate on the nightstand, and Raoul reaches up to grab it, not bothering to check who it is before he answers.

“Hello?” He presses the phone to his ear and shifts down my body. As he does, he pulls my bra down over my breast and takes the nipple that pops out from under it to his mouth, watching me shudder.

“Sorry, Kendra.” He pulls his mouth away from me so he can talk. “She can’t come to the phone right now.” He rolls my nipple between his fingers and my back lifts up from the mattress, seeking more of his touch. I can hear Kendra’s voice but it’s too muffled to make out what she’s saying.

“Of course. I’ll be sure to pass on the message.” He hangs up the phone, then tosses it at the pillow before diving back on top of me.


“What do you have planned today, besides calling Kendra back?” Raoul winks when I’ve finished eating my breakfast. I decided on a fruit salad this morning, if I keep eating Wendy’s pancakes I’ll have no hope of fitting into any of the clothes Raoul bought for me.

“I was going to head into the city and take some pictures. Claude gave me the name of a website designer he uses, he thinks a better website will help me sell more wall art. I feel like being inspired today.” I stretch out my arms and yawn. We barely got any sleep last night. Raoul is right. I am insatiable at the moment. The man’s got me acting like a needy kitten, and I have a strong suspicion that he thoroughly enjoys it.

“I’ll have Niko ride with you,” he tells me, taking my hand in his and rubbing his thumb along my knuckles. I’m about to protest, but stop myself when I realize it will do no good. Raoul has a lot going on in his head. He doesn’t need me being difficult to add to his stress. “And if Niko’s with me, who's protecting you?” I look at him doubtfully.

“I have my driver until this is all resolved, I don’t want to trust anyone else.” He checks his watch and then wipes his mouth with his napkin.

“Just, be careful, Raoul. I think about what happened with Rhett, and when I—”

“Nothing’s going to happen to me,” he promises, leaning over the table to kiss my cheek.

“I have to go and meet with the Fendra brothers, and since the last time I saw them, our meeting had to be cut short because some sassy little brat decided to dump a glass of water on me, I don’t want to be late.” His nose rubs against mine, and then he shocks me when he takes my bottom lip between his teeth and growls.

“I’ll see you later,” he says after he’s released me.
