Page 108 of Tortured Soul

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I lift my gun off the seat and tuck it into the back of my jeans as I get out of the cage and make my way to the front door. The place looked so idyllic before. Now I can’t believe I was stupid enough to leave her here with two people I’d never laid eyes on before.

Had I wanted to trust them so badly that I denied all my basic instincts?

I knock on the door, but there’s no answer, and when I peer through the window, there’s no sign of anyone.

I rattle the handle, and when it opens, I let myself in.

The sense that something is very fucking wrong grows with every step I take.

There’s scurrying coming from upstairs, and I follow the sounds, taking the stairs two at a time. I barge through the bedroom door, and both of Lydia’s parents look up at me from the suitcase they're rapidly trying to fill.

“Where is she?” I get straight to the point. They both look petrified, and they fucking should be.

“I don’t want any trouble.” Lydia’s father holds up his hands, and I haven’t even pulled my gun on him yet. It fuels my suspicions.

“I won’t ask you again,” I warn.

“She’s not here,” his wife speaks up bluntly. She looks the same, but she ain’t the same woman who I left Lydia here with. Her mannerisms are completely different now. This woman is bolshy and confident.

“Where the fuck is she?!” I march closer, taking out my gun and pressing it into Marty Farrowman's throat. I quickly reach for the spot under the suitcase that the woman darts for, pulling out the gun and pointing it at her.

“They came and took her,” Marty swallow’s heavily against the end of my barrel.

“Who took her?” My patience is running thin. The urge to split this motherfucker’s arteries is only suppressed by the need to find out more information.

“Verretti sent one of his men to fetch her.”

I swear, I could fucking stumble on my ass, but I hold still. Swallowing the sick feeling back down my throat.

“Where did he take her?”

If he’s taken her to Gunnison, I know my brothers are already on their way.

“You w-won't get her back. She may not be worth all that much to them now, bu-but it’s the p-principal. Y-You and your club shouldn't have pr-provoked Verretti,” Lydia’s father, if that’s even who he is, stutters his words out.

“Tell me where the fuck she is!” I yell, pressing the gun deeper and making him shake like a pissing dog.

“Peyton. They took her back to Peyton. Verretti has a place there.” Fuck, that’s at least a three-and-a-half-hour drive from here, in the opposite direction to fucking Gunnison.

“I want the address.”

“I don’t have it.”

I press the metal harder into his skin.

“I don’t know it exactly. I only ever went there once when I took her to them. It’s a mansion tucked out the way. Briarwood, that’s the name of it. Briarwood,” he tells me without stopping for a breath.

I should leave now. I’m already too far away from her. Lydia will be petrified. I can’t even allow myself to think about how much.

“Why?” I ask the weak-assed cunt in front of me. How could a man deliver his daughter to such evil?

“I was in debt to Verretti,” he says, closing his eyes in an attempt to show some compassion.

“So you sold him your daughter’s pussy?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I didn’t think it was possible to encounter someone as sick as Rick. I was wrong.

“I didn’t know that’s what he was into at the time, and the girl knew far too much about what had happened. Brenda wanted her dead. I thought I was saving her.” He looks to his wife who, I’m sure her name was Laura on the birth certificate Maddy found. Whoever she is, she looks far from regretful.

“Lydia knew too much. She was playing with our heads,” the woman scoffs from the other side of the bed.
