Page 40 of Tortured Soul

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“It’s fine.” Maddy straightens herself up bravely before she explains. “I kept a secret from Jessie because I thought I was protecting him, and when he found out about it, he got really upset.”

“But if you did it to protect him, surely he will understand? Isn’t that just what he was talking to you about…?” Damn me and my stupid mouth.

“For a while now, Jessie has wanted to move things forward and start a family.” I don’t miss the slight glance Maddy gives to Shaniya. “And I’ve been putting it off. During our fight, I said some things that really hurt him, and I can’t take those things back. Now he thinks staying away from me is the best way to protect me from how I feel.”

“And is it?” I feel myself leaning closer to her when I relate to what she’s saying.

“No, it's torture. I told him that I worried about him doing what he does for the club and that I couldn’t expect a child to suffer the way I do.”

“It’s logic,” I point out. I’m not sure what exactly the club does, but if Screwy’s performance at the auction is anything to go by, I know it must be dangerous.

“I hurt him, and now he thinks us being together hurts me. He couldn’t be more wrong.”

“You guys will fix it. My brother just thinks he’s doing the right thing by you. Troj has tried talking to him, but Jessie’s gonna have to see it for himself. I really thought what happened the night of the auction would have made him see sense.”

“Wait, Jessie is your brother?” I stare at Shaniya in shock.

“Half brother,” she explains, and with my attention now on her eyes, I see the resemblance.

“He’s hurting, Shan, I know he is. Why can’t he just come home?” Maddy leans her head into Shaniya's waist as she tucks her under her arm.

“Because he thinks he’s protecting you and that it’s the right thing to do. He loves you.” Her answer sounds so simple.

“Enough of all this,” Maddy wipes her eyes and pulls herself together. “Of course I’m coming to your party, and I’ll make a potato salad.” She jumps up from the chair and grabs her bag. “You two need anything from the store?” she checks.

“I think we’re good. Troj is grabbing some meat for the barbeque, and I’m doing the rounds to invite the rest of the gang.” Shaniya gets ready to leave.

“You know you could just text everyone,” Maddy suggests.

“You also know how terrible I am with phones,” Shaniya shrugs back before leaving us alone.

“I should go if you need to be somewhere.” I stand up from the table, feeling bad for leaving the full cup of coffee.

“I’d take you with me, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea,” Maddy chews her bottom lip like she’s divulged too much.

“It’s fine. It would probably be a bit daunting for me, anyway. This place is more than enough to get used to for now.”

“You’re right there,” Maddy laughs. “I’ll see you later at the party.”

“Yeah, about that. What should I bring?”

“No one will expect you to bring anything,” she smiles at me.

“I want to. Please give me some pointers, I really want to fit in… you know, well, while I’m here.”

“Let's see–I bet Ella will make a pie. Grace usually makes up a greek salad. Rogue will bring her usual… A bag of potato chips,” Maddy rolls her eyes. “You could make coleslaw, that always goes down well.”

“Sure,” I nod, too embarrassed to admit that I have no clue what coleslaw is.

“I can guarantee Screwy won’t have what you need in his refrigerator, so I’ll grab you the stuff while I’m out. We can make it together when I get back if you want?” she offers.

“Thanks, I’d really like that,” I tell her before heading out the door and actually looking forward to tonight.

On my way back to Screwy’s cabin, I catch the girl who removed the collar from my neck getting into her car.

“Hey Viper,” she smiles at me in a sweet way that really doesn’t suit her. “You coming to the party tonight? I hear the Natives are coming. Who knows? There might even be a shootout.” She pulls the sunglasses she’s wearing down her nose.

“Yeah, I’m coming. I’m making a coleslaw.” I feel suddenly proud, like I’m a part of this messed-up family. I could really get used to all this. People smiling and being kind to each other.
