Page 68 of Tortured Soul

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Grace blushes red.

“Squeal stayed because of Alex, and I’m sure if I speak to Shaniya, Ella, Rogue and Maddy, I’ll find out their guys all stayed for them, too.” It’s getting harder to hold in my tears. I have no right to be upset about this. Screwy has never called me his old lady, but he sure as hell made me feel like he cared about me.


“Screwy never stayed for me,” I hear the weakness in my voice as I state the fact I have to face up to.

“I’m sure there’s more to it than that. Screwy’s a difficult person to understand.”

“People keep telling me that, but maybe he’s not so difficult to understand after all.” I struggle free and rush past her before I can make an even bigger fool of myself. I run out of the Dirty Soul's clubhouse as fast as my legs can carry me, heading back toward the cabins. When I reach Screwy’s, I run through to his room and get into his bed. I want to believe what my gut is telling me. I want to believe Grace and her optimism, but it’s impossible when Screwy keeps shutting me out.

Nevada is one of the club's bigger charters, and before he got himself committed, it used to be Squealer’s favorite place to visit.

The brothers here are chilled, the bitches are even more chilled, and there’s always plenty going on to keep you occupied.

Does it feel weird being out here without my brother?


But that ain’t the cause of the unnerving feeling I’ve had in my stomach since he called me earlier.

Lydia is staying with them, just like I told her to in my poor excuse of a goodbye note. He told me she was upset, as I expected, and it turns out the other old ladies couldn’t keep their mouths shut. They blabbed about why there are only a select few brothers out on this run, and now Lydia will be feeling even worse.

I swill the whiskey around in my glass tumbler and focus on the waves it makes. I hate to think about her hurting. It makes my chest heavy and puts a nasty taste in my mouth. I’ve always played down the threat of her old captors ever finding her. Lydia’s the sort of girl who would take the weight of that, and it’s far too heavy for her.

She’s kind and loving, caring and thoughtful, and it would break her in two to think she was endangering anyone at the club.

The time has dragged since we arrived, and now that our supplies have been off-loaded, there’s nothing keeping us here other than Tac's thirst for fresh pussy.

“You know, you should really be sampling some of the local delicacies.” The bald-headed man-slut jumps onto the stool beside me, his mouth still soaked from the pussy he just finished eating over in the corner. I don’t respond, just keep looking at the amber liquid swishing in my glass.

“C’mon on, man, it's our last night here.” Gripping both my shoulders, he shakes me like he might stand a chance of unleashing some excitement. “You see that pretty little one over there? She let me and Thorne go twos on her last night, and I swear to fuck, that pussy was so tight I’d have bet my fucking cock on her being a virgin.”

Just the word virgin puts a bitter taste in my mouth, and I wash it down with the last from my glass, slamming it onto the bar and nodding my head at the whore serving to supply me with another.

“C’mon on, I haven’t seen you hit anything since we got here, man. This is Nevada. We only get a few runs out here a year. You gonna spend ya whole time here moping?” Again, I don’t answer him, and Tac's attention is quickly averted from me to the door.

“Well, I’ll be fucked.” His mouth gapes open.

I turn my head, wondering what’s got his attention.

“Yo, Skid, Thorne, get a load of this. It’s Autumn,” Tac calls across the room, and Thorne raises his head out of the bitch's chest he’s suffocating himself in while Skid pauses the conversation he’s having with the Charter’s President.

Troj’s older brother strides over cockily, winking at the server. “A scotch, straight.”

“Heard you boys were gonna be here. Where's the rest of the gang?” He stretches his neck to look around the bar for more of our Charter.

“Just us three and the Native boy.” Tac directs his head to where Tawk sits awkwardly on one of the chairs, some blonde bitch is rubbing her ass all over him, and he looks like he’s trying not to bust his ball sack.

“I can’t believe my brother passed off the chance to come to Vegas.” Autumn shakes his head and laughs. “And where the fuck’s Squealer?”

“Oh, you’re gonna love this one.” Thorne joins us, taking a stool at the bar beside him. He takes the bottle out of the server’s hand, fills up his own glass, and then tops up Autumn’s.

“Squeal is back in Colorado playing house with the cop that he knocked up, with not one but two little proteges.”

“A cop, Squealer settled with a cop?” Autumn laughs out his nose and shakes his head in disbelief.

“Sure did. She’s a sassy little number too.” Tac pulls on the blunt he’s just lit up and passes it to Skid, who's now decided to join us too. “We’re the last men standing,” he sniggers.
