Page 79 of Tortured Soul

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“Tell me.” I rest my chin on his chest and stare up at him. Screwy leans his head back against the headboard like he’s trying to avoid me, but he’s smiling, and it takes the raw stinging sensation from between my legs away for a few seconds.

“It’s Caden Harrison, Cade for short,” he eventually gives in.

“Cade. I like it.” I stretch up and place a kiss on his lips because now it feels as if I can, whenever I want to.

“And why do they call you Screwy?” I ask.

“You’re kidding, right?” He stares back at me like I’ve shocked him.

“No.” I shake my head, trying to figure out what I’m missing.

“So, the staff back at the facility me and my brother were in weren’t all good people. I was numb when I was there, out of it on the drugs they made me take. Some of the guards would take bets on who could get a rise out of me. They were the ones that came up with the name Screwy, ‘cause I had a screw loose,” he explains as if it’s obvious.

“That’s awful.” I look back at him, feeling sad that he had to go through that.

“Nah, my brother caught on pretty quick when he realized what they were trying to do. Like everything else, he turned it into a joke and started calling me by it too. Got the whole damn place referring to me by it, like it was a term of fucking affection. It was a–fuck you try harder, to the assholes, and it worked. The guards soon found someone else to bother.”

Now I’m really confused.

“Squealer’s always taken care of me in a way I don’t expect people to understand. Hell, sometimes I don’t even get it myself. He found us a home here, one where we fit in. And the name just kinda stuck with me. He even got a name of his own, and he loves it.” Screwy sniggers.

“And how did he get that?” I ask, generally intrigued. Screwy shakes his head.

“You’re going to have to ask Alex that one… Speaking of that, what did you get up to while I was gone? Did Squealer and Alex take care of you?” he attempts to change the subject.

“They were kind to me, and I was miserable,” I confess, feeling guilty. “I must apologize to them both. I just really missed you, and I let what that girl said down at the club get in my head.”

“Wait, what girl at the club?” Screwy lifts his head, his eyebrows meeting in the middle.

“One of the… you know.”

“Yeah, I get that, but which one?”

“It doesn't matter now.” I shake my head because I can feel his anger starting to brew, and I want him to relax again.

“It does matter. What did she say to you?”

“Just stupid stuff that I shouldn't have listened to. She caught me at a bad time. It was the morning you left. But Rogue took care of it.” I’m really hoping he drops it. I don’t want to get the girl into any more trouble.

“Rogue dealt with it?” One of his eyebrows lifts suspiciously, and I swear he almost smiles.

“Yeah, she kinda threatened to set her on fire.” Screwy breaks out into a low, growly chuckle that comes right from his chest and causes me to bounce.

“It wasn’t funny. The poor girl was petrified. And I really thought Rogue was gonna do it too,” I tell him, trying to keep a straight face myself. The situation really didn’t seem funny at the time.

“Rogue must have been having a good day,” he tells me, his hand moving behind my head and clutching my hair so he can draw me closer to him. “Any of those girls give you any more shit, and you tell me.” Screwy’s expression turns serious again, his dark eyes telling me that he meant what he said. This man will always protect me.

“I will,” I promise, pressing my lips onto his again, and he turns it into something much deeper.

I never imagined it would be possible to feel as happy as I do here, lying on Screwy’s bed, with him kissing me like I belong to him.

That feeling starts to build again, a need for more, the desire to feel him inside me, and when I shift my body, it reminds me of the discomfort between my legs. It’s hardly surprising. Screwy was a lot to take.

“Did I hurt you?” He looks mad at himself when I wince.

“A little, but I’m okay,” I assure him.

“You should take a bath. I’ll see if I’ve got any Advil.” He goes to get up, but I put enough pressure on his chest to ease him back down. “Can we just stay like this a little longer? I’ll be fine, I promise.”
