Page 87 of Tortured Soul

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“I won’t be gone that long,” I promise, kissing her on the lips for way longer than I should with an audience. The fact I know she’ll be blushing when I pull away spurs me on.

“Come on, Casanova,” my brother throws my cut at me, and we head out the door together.

“Be safe,” Alex calls out before we close the door.

“You ready, grunt?” Squeal lifts his head at Storm, who’s already waiting out in the yard on his bike.

“Hell yeah, I’m ready.” He nods back, looking keen as fuck.

“We’re only on lookout, young buck. You save that enthusiasm for when the real shit goes down.” Squealer laughs as we saddle up and hit the road.

There’s no house for us to hide in this time. Our latest target is in the ass-end of nowhere, so we stick to the trees, keeping low and out of sight, and the boys look pleased to see us when we arrive.

“Anything interesting?” Squealer asks Brax as we take over their position.

“Three inside is my count, a couple of people coming and going. The place is gonna probably start getting more lively now, though.”

“Wait up!” Storm taps the back of his hand against Brax’s chest, and Brax looks down at it and frowns like he might do the boy some damage. That's until he looks in the direction that Storm’s pointing. A car just rolled up in front of the house.

“That's Kenny’s car,” Thorne points out, pulling out his phone and bringing up the photo Maddy sent us all. I take a look at the mug shot, then back down to the car, and the guy that gets out of the driver's seat is definitely a match.

He’s Mexican, with dark tanned skin, his black hair swept back tight. But his suit is cheap. The rings on his fingers probably leave a green tinge on his skin when he takes them off.

“That’s him. Looks like the little weasel’s come out of hiding.” Brax crushes his smoke out into the grass with his boot.

“Three, you say?” I speak up, keeping my eyes focused on the house.

“Yeah,” Brax nods confirmation.

“No women, no kids?”

“None that I’ve seen.” He stares back at me suspiciously.

“I like where you're going with this, brother.” Squealer slaps me hard on the back, a wicked smile pulling on his lips.

“You think that’s a good idea?” Tac asks, scratching his smooth head.

“We got ‘em outnumbered. The boss man’s here, and Prez wants to talk to him,” Squealer points out.

“And how do we know this ain’t a trap? We’ve been shutting down places like this for weeks? Kenny must know we’re coming for him.” Another valid point made by Tac.

“What's the matter? You scared of getting wet?” Squealer taunts.

“He wouldn’t be here unprotected if he was laying a trap.” I ignore the jibes being thrown around me and stick to the fucking point. Once this place is taken, we run Pueblo. Verretti's auction house will be on Soul's territory, and we can end that piece of shit organization.

“Prez ain't answering,” Brax sighs, tucking his phone back into his cut. I didn't even realize he’d taken it out.

“Put it to a vote,” Squealer suggests with a shit-eating grin on his face. With the company surrounding us, he already knows what the outcome will be.

“It is a good opportunity,” I see the cogs in Brax’s head are working, but he doesn't wanna act without the bosses say so.

“Fuck it. All those in favor of going in?” Brax asks, already slipping his knuckle duster over his fingers.

“Aye.” I set things moving.

“It’s a hell yeah from me,” Squealer nods.

Thorne's eyes assess the situation again. Kenny has moved inside now. The house has two exits, one at the front and another at the back. “Sure, I was only gonna go back to the club and get shit-faced, anyway.” Taking the gun from his holster, he checks the chamber.
