Page 99 of The Veil

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As I saw Joseph and Felipe continue to fight inside, I quietly snuck over to the glass. Taking a deep breath, I slowly crawled over it as I made my way to my phone, trying to remain undetected.

Each time my knees crunched the glass, it broke more under my weight, causing excruciating pain as the little sharp fragments entered my flesh. My hands were getting pierced repeatedly by shards of glass. They burned as blood began to drip from my fingers every time I raised them up.

I was almost to my phone when Felipe turned, looking toward me. I dropped my body to the floor hiding behind a chair. Lying flat, a sharp, stinging sensation began to spread through my head as the glass lacerated my tender face.

“Who's out there?!” Felipe shouted.

He began to stomp toward me, but I peeked under the chair to see Joseph got a hold of his gun. I heard gunshots then suddenly the world became silent. I began to panic, craning my neck to see what was going on. There was no sign of Joseph or Felipe.

I slithered to my phone in the pile of glass, picking it up, dialing Valentino. I continued to look for them as the phone rang. I called out to Joseph while waiting for him to answer, but no one replied so I stood.

I felt the wetness of the blood trickling down my body. My phone slipped from my hands onto the floor landing in a broken windowsill next to the completely shattered door. Bending over to pick it up, I heard a crackling noise above me.

“Oh no!” I yelped, diving out of the way into the living room.

That was awfully close. I stood, faltering to the elevator but managed to trip on the rug that had become wrinkled during the struggle. Falling to the floor, I banged my head on the way down.

Sighing, I stood once again, grabbing the top of my head, attempting to apply pressure to the sharp, radiating pain spreading throughout. It gradually progressed through my entire body. The room began to spin. My vision tunneled and my surroundings soon became black.

When Felipe saw my gun, he took off for the elevator. I sprinted after him through the fire escape, exiting the twentieth floor. I jumped on the other elevator, pacing angrily while I rode it down to the ground. The minute the doors opened, I dashed outside but he was gone. There was no sign of Tanya either. It was as if nothing happened as the world continued to function normally.

I noticed my earpiece was hanging off my shoulder, so I shoved it into my ear as I sunk down behind a car, leaning against the tire. Pressing the microphone button, I sighed when I noticed it was not working. I yanked it from my ear inspecting it then pushed it back into place. I crouched down a bit more, remaining out of sight.

“Sir, I need help,” I demanded in the mic of my watch instead. “Come to the penthouse as soon as you get this. I already called for backup.”

I stood, searching around the car trying to see if there was a trail, any sign, anything that was left behind. I needed a clue that would help me locate Felipe. Tanya was in danger. I knew they would hold her, using her for bargaining trying to get to Isabelle. That is how he worked.

I was familiar with people like him. They all wanted the same things in life. Unfortunately, if we did not act fast, Tanya would be killed and there would be no option of saving her. I sat back against the car and began to scan the ground.

Just then, I spotted a bloody cocktail napkin near the back side of the tire where I sat. I picked it up and read it. Captain's Club was the name of the business. I knew that it was a gentlemen's club near the West End.

Glancing up at the top of the apartment building, I muttered, “Isabelle please be okay.”

Sighing, I decided to make a run for the SUV. I fidgeted impatiently as I sped to the club, still praying Isabelle was okay upstairs. I knew I needed to go back to her, but I also knew that if anything did happen to Tanya, I would be in just as much trouble. Isabelle was safe. She was hiding right where I left her, or so I hoped.

We made our way back to the penthouse in a hurry and irate after receiving Joseph’s message. The doors to the elevator slowly opened and we gasped at the sight before us.

“Holy shit!”

We marched in, shouting for Isabelle, Tanya, and Joseph. Nothing. There was blood everywhere and bullet holes in the walls. I ran upstairs to the master bedroom continuing to yell for Isabelle. No reply. I checked the bathroom, closet, and other rooms upstairs. Still nothing.

“Valentino!” I heard William bellowing from downstairs.

“No no no no no,” I repeated under my breath as I ran to him as quickly as my legs would carry me.

That is when I saw her, looking as if she had bathed in blood with it pooling beneath her body. Various sizes of glass stuck up from her torso and legs. William was squatting over her, applying pressure to her head. It appeared as if she had possibly hit it on the coffee table after falling. I began to ball my fists.

Dropping to my knees, I took over William’s position, applying pressure to a large gash. William stood, calling an ambulance without me having to ask. He rambled to the emergency service, trying to tell them the information we knew as he gave our exact location.


She was limp. I placed my head by her mouth, listening for any sign of life as I reached for her wrist, checking for a pulse. I felt a sign of life.

“She's alive!”

“Baby, wake up!” I tapped her lightly on her only uninjured cheek. “Please be okay!” I pleaded with her. “Don’t leave me! I need you to be okay!”

William hung up his phone, getting ready to assist me.
