Page 67 of Oracle Witch

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I fucking love it. I stop fighting completely, listening to his recount of my mate kicking ass.


“Is it?” he asks, sounding confused.

We’re not confused, though. Zoe might not fully understand this world or the politics that divide it, but she has something better. Her magicae can sense people’s souls, and with just the tiniest glance at a person, she can determine their core, their essence.

She’s not going to kill anyone with good intentions, so those she wiped out were there to harm her or her men.

Power like that is dangerous in the wrong hands.

But in hers? It’s perfect.

“He must have been a traitor,” my mentor says with a shrug. “Get me his details, Lylonz, so that I can have a look into it.”

“Of course,” he replies. Suck up.

He leaves, and the shadows disappear.

“The pull has lessened,” I say, and he raises an eyebrow as if doubting me. “I swear it.”

He nods, the vines retreating, and he demolishes the stone walls.

“Good to have you back with us. How is she doing?”

“She’s fine,” I say, dusting off my legs and rising to a stand. “Fully bonded to all eight of them now. At least on her side, that is. The others haven’t reciprocated, not even Mael.”

He nods, and I answer the question before he can ask it. “Yes, Necos included.”

“Fuck yes!” He claps his hands, looking a little weird. He’s never reacted this way before, and the genuine happiness is something that throws me off balance.I love it, though.But for this reaction to come over Zoe developing her bonds? It’s a little strange.“What’s that look for?”

“You’re a little too excited about mating your niece off to eight men,” I say with a smirk. “But who am I to judge? I want to be one of the men.”

“I’m excited that another step in our plan is working,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Not that she’s collecting a harem.” Sure he’s not.

He wants her happy, protected, and loved. Having a singleanima nexumwould do that, but instead, she’s got nine of them to do it even better.

“And what is next?” I ask.

“Well, we need Etrix and Necos to realise they’re on the same team,” he says, stroking his chin. Yeah, that’s going to be a fun conversation.

Necos might eventually suss it out.

Etrix is not smart enough for that, and he’ll be livid that we’ve doubted him.

“That’s a good goal. Very shortsighted.”

“You’re a fucker,” he says, laughing. “Our real plans can’t start until she’s emerged because only then will she be able to handle the truth. And then, well, we’ll be able to go to war.”

“War will be fun.”

“With the only two soul witches in existence working together, I’ll be able to get my revenge, and I’ll get my reputation restored.”

“You’ll get one thing that’s just a bit better,” I say with a smile. “You’ll get to watch your niece claim this world as her own.”

Zoe is a force this world is not ready for, but one we so desperately need.

I might be a soul witch, but I lack the royalprimordiumto make me as powerful as myanima nexum.
