Page 265 of Alpha Male

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“Nice try,” he grunted, though pride puffed up his chest a little. “Not when I’m facing off with a pack of wolves and the life of my mate is on the line.”

Progress on the mate issue. Backward on the current problem. Nari gripped his hand and tugged on it until he looked at her. “And I’m thinking the same thing. You expect me to hide when your life is in danger?”

Magnus’s face tightened, but he nodded. “Come on. We’re wasting time.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to point out that it was his fault they’d been arguing but thought better of it.

Nari appreciated how he made sure Ulf was hidden away with his blanket, food, and water for his safety in the largepantry. It warmed something deep inside knowing that he was so thoughtful and caring of his pet.

He pointed at the back door and leaned in close so his words were barely a whisper against her ear. “I’ll leave through there. Then, I’m going to lead them away from the house in the opposite direction.”

He sniffed the air. “How many are there?”

“There were eight.” She smirked. “Now six.”

He chuckled and pressed his lips to the crown of her head. “That’s my girl.”

The pride that came from his praise put a grin on her face.

Magnus leaned down once again and tipped her chin up to meet him in a sweet kiss. The way he licked his lips as if savoring her taste gave her a thrill. At least until he said, “Don’t be mad.”


Nari found herself firmly shoved into the pantry. She did her best not to trip over Ulf, but that cost her the split second it took for him to shut the door, drag the chair from the table, and prop it under the handle.

She kicked the door. Of course, it didn’t budge. It was as solid as the man who’d built it. “Magnus!”

“I’ll be back in a little while. Just relax and keep Ulf quiet.”

Relax? Rage and fear for him created a noxious mix in her gut. “Let me out!”

“Quiet. I’ll be back soon.”

And with that, the big bastard walked away. She heard him open the door and close it again behind him. Heard the lock click. All through the thudding of her heart in her ears. Was he crazy? Six wolves meant a daunting number of teeth and claws and muscles to deal with. Even for someone as big as him.

Nari hoped to every deity out there that he could shift intosomething bigger and scarier.

Tearing at the collar, she turned on the light and looked for something she could use to help her break out. Without the damn thing around her neck, getting out would have been simple. Instead, she had to be more creative.

Ulf bounced around her legs, enjoying the new game of dashing around with her in the small space as she searched for something useful.

Her attention landed on the hinges. If she could get those off…

The glint of his collar caught her eye. Especially the medallion that had his name engraved on it. At least one of them had a collar that was useful.

She scrubbed his head before taking it off and then sticking the prong between the pin and the rest of the hinge. It took a minute to wiggle it enough to wedge the medallion in. With a tin of beans as a hammer, she managed to push the pin out completely. Repeating the process on the second, then third, Nari wasted no time in getting the door open.

“Come on, boy.” Taking the stairs two at a time, she led him upstairs to the bedroom.

With Ulf safe, she took advantage of the higher vantage point. If only there was a way to communicate with Magnus. He might even feel better knowing that she was stuck in the house, though not exactly in the way that he’d wanted.

It definitely wasn’t what she wanted either. Though she cheered herself up with the thought that at least she could spot dangers from above and try to help. It wasn’t too high to jump even in her human form.

If it came down to it, she would dive on them from above. Anything to help her mate.

Nari hid behind the curtain, giving herself the best vantage point of where Magnus was supposed to be. A quickpeek out the window gave her a glimpse at a big shadow. Magnus. She knew it instinctively. As the shadow came around the corner, the outline became clearer.

He looked up at the window, as if sensing her presence, and shook his head in reaction. He knew. Should she wave? Did she need to?
