Page 90 of Alpha Male

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“At Merlin’s Cave. Come, we must go and tell Tara. She will want to be there.”

He took her hand, and they rushed down the turret steps, past the suits of armor, and into the kitchen.

Tara was stooped beside the fire.

Ivor came to an abrupt halt. Nisha stopped at his side. Something was different. Something had happened.

“Tara?” Ivor said. “Are you okay?”

She turned to him. A smile spread on her face. “He’s hatched. Say hello to your new nephew.”

“A few days early.” Ivor’s eyes widened, and he turned to Nisha. “This is a truly great day.”

“Shh.” Tara pressed her finger to her lips. “He’s still getting used to noise that isn’t muffled through his shell.” She beckoned. “But come over here.” She moved to one side. “And meet Sigrid.”

Nisha’s heart was pounding, her entire being full of wonder.

Before her, on a faded hearth rug, was a tiny dark-blue dragon. It looked the same as Ivor but in miniature. Perfect claws, tiny forked tail, wings that appeared a little quivery, and the cutest little face with bleary red-flamed eyes

It sneezed, a puff of smoke coming from its nostrils.

“Oh!” Nisha jumped.

“It’s okay, little one.” Tara stroked its head. “Momma’s here, that’s just a sneeze. You’ll get used to them as your smoke comes in.”

“He’s beautiful.” Ivor stepped closer. “Perfect in every way.”

“Yes. He is.” Tara beamed. “Devon is coming home. I called him.”


“And Cal and Bethany are also on their way back to the castle.”

“Yes, we should all be here for the blessing.” Ivor squatted at her side. “Hello, beautiful Sigrid. Welcome to the world.” He touched his nephew’s scaly head. “I’m your uncle Ivor, and I’m going to watch out for you, always.”

Nisha’s heart swelled. Ivor would make a great uncle. He’d also make a great father, she knew that deep in her soul.

“Nisha, you’re here.” Tara seemed to notice her for the first time.

“Yes. I hope that’s okay with you. It’s clearly a family day.”

“You are family.” Tara smiled. “I knew that from the first moment I saw you. You belong with Ivor.” She turned to Ivor. “What happened?”

“I stopped the wedding, like I said I would.”

“As I knew you would.” Tara paused. “I sense abut.”

“There is abut.” Ivor stood and placed his hands on his hips. He closed his eyes. “I’m afraid I showed my dragon in broad daylight in a city park.” He shook his head. “It wasreckless.”

“No.” Tara also stood and she reached for his hand. “It was necessary to get the woman you love.”

Ivor opened his eyes. “You’re not mad?”

“No. I told you to do what you needed to do. I told you to get her at any cost, even if that meant revealing your dragon.”

“For the record, phones are banned at family occasions, so hopefully there’s no actual photographic or video evidence.” Nisha fiddled with her bangles. “But even so, I’m very sorry. It was my fault. If I hadn’t even turned up at the aisle then—”

“Nisha, it is not your fault,” Tara said firmly. “You could not have predicted the power that comes with meeting your true mate. How could you? It is more than love at first sight, more than feeling bonded to another person. The only thing that rivals it is a mother’s love.” She smiled at Sigrid. “Or the love a child has for a parent, which is why you left the castle to marry another, not for the man you were intended for, but because you love your parents.”
