Page 203 of Chasing Hadley

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"Yeah, so what? You need our help, and we've done this kind of stuff before."

“Yeah, but—”

"No buts. Stay with your sisters. Let us do this, and then we'll talk more tomorrow. Maybe while we're digging up those bags."

“I’m not supposed to tell anyone what’s going on,” she whispers. “Your dad… he said he’d hurt my sisters if I did… And now Pay’s in the hospital... And I…”

“Had, you’re secret’s safe with us,” I promise, but she still hesitates, not fully trusting me. I can’t really blame her. I’m the same way, I think because of how untrustworthy my dad is. “None of my brothers are going to say anything. You have my word.”

The line grows silent. I’d think she hung up on me except I can hear her heavy breathing flowing through the line.

“Okay, I’ll do this,” she finally caves. “Just as long as you promise to let me make this up to you. I don’t know how I’m going to, but promise me you’ll let me do something.”

I don't want her to feel like she owes me anything, but I know she's not going to drop this until I agree to let her. "Okay, I'll let you make it up to me."

“Thanks,” she says then whispers, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

She says it so quietly that I’m not sure if I heard her correctly. I could ask, but I doubt she’d admit it a second time. I mean, there’s a reason I sometimes call her stubborn girl—the name is startlingly fitting.

“Can you put Alex back on the phone?” I ask instead. “I need to tell him what’s up.”

“Yeah… I gotta go anyway,” she says. “The doctor just walked out.”

A beat of silence goes by then Alex’s voice fills the line.

“So I’m helping with a job, I take it,” he says.

“Yeah.” I pause. “That is if you’re sober right now.”

"I'm a little strung out, but I haven't gotten high since yesterday," he tells me. "I was totally planning on it, but then Hadley showed up, and I got distracted."

Well, at least one good thing came out of this shitty day.

I just hope the rest of the night goes smoothly.

But I'm a bit worried about having my brothers involved in this heist. And on top of that, I have the weirdest feeling my dad is setting us up for something. I'm not sure why I feel this way, other than maybe because the woman we're heisting was at the diner today. And Hadley said she looked like her mom, which is weird.

It could be just a coincidence, but my father loves playing games with people’s lives, so maybe it isn’t.

What if there’s more to this job than he’s letting on?

I sure as hell hope that’s not the case.

“So are we all good with doing this?” I ask after I put Alex on speakerphone and go over the details of the plan.

“I’m already obligated to do this,” Rhyland points out, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “But I want to help Hadley. What she’s going through… It’s awful.”

I wait for Alex to answer. He may have helped Hadley today, but I’m still wary on whether he’ll keep up his do-gooder attitude.

“I guess I’m in,” he says. “But only because I’ve got nothing better to do.”

I doubt that’s the only reason, but I let him off the hook for now and cross my fingers that my father doesn’t find out what we’re up to.

Because if he does, we’re all in deep shit.


