Page 144 of Defy the Night

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“Guards!” a man is shouting, but my heartbeat is so loud in my ears that everything is muffled. I’m distantly aware of a hand closing over my wrist, pulling me through the shadows. Something is burning, somewhere, a scent distinctly different from wood smoke, a bitter taste in the back of my throat.

Another explosion, and the windows shatter. I jump and scream.

Hands catch me, pulling me close. “Tessa.” Corrick’s voice in my ear, low and urgent. “Tessa, we have to run.”

Then I hear the voices, the shouts in the hallway. Many are panicked, people terrified of the explosions.

Some are not.

“Find the king,” a man yells, and I’m not sure how I can tell, but it’s not a guard.

“Shoot anyone you see,” calls another.

Smoke is filling the hallway now, and I hear glass shattering. A woman’s scream is abruptly silenced. Corrick tugs at my hand, and I follow into the darkness.
