Page 43 of Defy the Night

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“Should we take her to the Hold, Your Highness?” says one of the guards.

“No,” says Prince Corrick. He sniffs at the air, and I cringe, wanting to curl in on myself again. “Have one of the stewards clean her up. Leave her in chains. Tie a sack over her head so Consul Cherry no longer has to see that she’s a pretty young girl.”

My blood turns to ice. I can’t think. I can’t see. I can’t breathe.

“Your Highness—” Consul Cherry begins.

“You asked me to leave her alive,” he snaps. “And so I will. Chain her in my chambers. Alive or dead, she can send a message that traitors are swiftly dealt with.”

“No.” I don’t know if I say the word or only think it. I didn’t think he could do anything worse than what he did to Wes, but he can. Almost subconsciously, my body tries to draw away from him. “No.”

“Your Highness,” Consul Cherry says more urgently. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m sure you can figure it out,” he says. His booted feet are moving away. “Guards. You have your orders.”

“No!” I scream after him as the guards take hold of my arms. I brace against the chains but it does no good. “No!”

AllI see is the black of his jacket as he’s walking away.

I spit in his direction. I mean for my voice to be strong, but it sounds broken and weak. “I hate you.”

“Everyone does,” he says.

The guards haul me up, and mercifully, I pass out.
