Page 72 of Defy the Night

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When the page appears with more, I snap, “Enough.”

He flinches and almost drops them all.

I sigh. “Put them on the floor. I’ll send for you when I’ve reviewed what you’ve brought.”

In a year, most likely.

Finally, an agonizing hour later, the guards announce my brother. After the way he made me wait, I expect him to come storming in, but instead, Harristan strides into my room casually, letting the door fall closed behind him.

“Corrick.” He takes one look at the stacks of folios and paperwork and frowns. “What’s all this?”

“You tell me.” I take a sip of my drink. “It was sent here by your order.”

“Oh. Yes. The girl claims our dosages in the Royal Sector are too high. Will you see if we have data that may corroborate this? The palace physicians are looking into it, but you’re better with all this.” He waves a hand at the piles.

Meaning he doesn’t have the patience—or the time—for it. I don’t either, really. My heart is thumping at what Tessa told him. “And when would you like this analysis?”

He eases into the chair across from me and lifts the cover on a folio before letting it fall closed. “Tomorrow.”

I choke on my drink. “An entire day, Harristan? Why not in an hour?”

“I will not have her staying in the palace if her reasons for being here are not valid.”

I set my drink down and stare at him. He stares back at me.

Last night, in the quiet darkness of his quarters, he said that I was keeping secrets from him—but he didn’t demand answers. He doesn’t demand them now either. But his position is clear.

I am both surprised and not that Tessa was able to somehow convince my brother that her reasons for being in the palace were valid. Not just valid, but . . . ?beneficial.

“I’ll go through the reports,” I say quietly.

“Good.” He reaches for my glass of brandy and takes a sip. “You do realize you can’t ban Allisander from the palace indefinitely.”

I grimace. “I didn’t realize the news would reach you so quickly.”

“He issued a complaint almost immediately.”

“From the palace steps, I imagine.”

Harristan doesn’t smile. “As a matter of fact, yes.” He hesitates. “Even if our dosages are faulty, we cannot alienate our primary supplier.”

“Allisander grows too bold.”

“For all of Arella’s demands for leniency, her sector is not a major supplier for Kandala. Nor is Roydan’s.”

I know this. He knows I know this. He sets the glass on the table and I take it. “Stringing people up outside the gates hasn’t stopped the smugglers,” I say. “If anything, they grow bolder.”

“For certain. They sneak right into the palace and find themselves in my brother’s room.”

I drain the glass and look away. “Lord, Harristan.”

For a moment, I think he’s going to press me for more information. My brother is no fool. He knows there’s more to Tessa than what I’ve said. He admitted as much last night.

Buthe simply glances at the papers and stands. “You have much to do.” He claps me on the shoulder before turning for the door. “I’ll take care of Allisander.”

“Thank you.”

I can’t say it aloud, but I’m thanking him for more than just handling an irritated consul. I’m thanking him for his trust. For allowing me to keep my secrets.

For allowing me to protect Tessa.

He knows it, too, because he offers a small smile. “You’re welcome, Cory.”

Then his smile is gone, and he’s reaching for the door.
