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“Yeah, right.” Mack pulls me up against him and kisses me. Mmm. I like nuclear-powered Mack.

I’m excited for the day. I love playing tennis, and I have a feeling the single-sex doubles we used to play at school are going to be nothing like playing with Mack. I just hope I don’t let him down.

When we get to the sports club, we find it already bustling with both players and visitors. I haven’t been here before, and I soon realize it’s not like the sports ground I go to that lets everyone in. This is an exclusive establishment that requires an expensive membership. Today anyone can watch the tournament, but the place still reeks of money.

Jamie takes Gus around the outside to find Emma, and Mack walks me through a large wood-paneled and carpeted foyer that smells of beeswax and out the other side to a large function room. One side faces the courts, and the sliding doors have been pulled back to let the morning sunshine pour in. This is where the players are congregating, mixing with some of the guests. Waiters are handing out soft drinks and snacks. As I pass a couple of clusters of people, I hear conversation about stocks and shares and takeovers being discussed. Obviously, as well as raising money for charity, everyone sees this as a chance to catch up on business.

Mack walks up to where Huxley, Elizabeth, Titus, a young woman who must be Huxley’s sister Chrissie, and Victoria are standing talking. They’re all in tennis gear, apart from Victoria, whose wrist is in a brace. The others greet me warmly, and Elizabeth kisses me on the cheek.

“So glad you could make it,” she says.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“You realize you’re partnering the most competitive man in Christendom,” Victoria says, amused.

“So I’ve heard. I keep telling him I haven’t played much since high school.”

“Don’t listen to her,” Mack says. “She’s going to be amazing.”

He turns away as someone speaks to him, so he misses the amused look they all exchange, but I don’t. I blush, and Elizabeth winks at me.

There’s no time to talk, though, because Huxley steps up to the mic and calls for everyone’s attention. I’m not surprised he runs a business club. He’s a striking guy, tall and good-looking, and very charismatic. He seems more outgoing than Mack, clearly knowing everyone present and taking time to speak to everyone at some point.

“Okay,” he says, “we’re about ready to start. Let me run through the rules for anyone who’s not been here before. There are eight couples, so there’ll be seven rounds, four before lunch and three after, fifteen minutes each, with five minutes in between to change courts and have refreshments if needed. The couple who wins the most games gets a point. And no ads.”

Normally in tennis you have to win by two points, but I know that no ads means no advantage. That means sudden death after deuce, so you only have to win by one point. It speeds things up and eliminates the problems of games going on for too long.

“Mixed doubles rules,” he states, “pretty much the same as ordinary doubles, except that on the deciding point in a game, the server must serve to the player of the same gender on the opposing team. And now, a quick note on etiquette. This tournament is for charity and supposed to be fun. So those of us with the stronger physique, take care when facing the gentler sex. Basically, I’m asking Elizabeth to take pity on us poor defenseless males.”

She grins, and everyone laughs.

“The match list is on the board,” he continues, “and all the umpires will have a copy, but you’ve all been sent a link to the online version that will be updated after each match, so use that if you can. Best of luck, and may the best couple win.”

Everyone cheers and starts heading outside.

I go over to the board and look at the list of matches. Mack and I are couple C. Our first match is against Rawiri Wihongi and Ngaire Jones on court four. Match three is against Titus and Chrissie. Match five is versus Huxley and Elizabeth.

And our last match is against Felicity Scarlett-Rose and David Clarke.

“Fuck,” I say out loud.

Mack moves up behind me and puts a hand on my hip as he reads the list. “What’s up?”

“Look at the last match.”

He reads it and gives a short laugh. “That’ll be fun.”

I spin my racket in my hand. “Okay, now I really want to win.”

He meets my eyes, his own lighting with enthusiasm. “That’s my girl.”

“Come on. We’ve got battle to do.”

Chapter Twenty-One


I can tell Sidnie is nervous, mainly because lots of people are watching. But as we walk onto the court, all I feel is energized. I just know she’s going to be great. She’s fast—okay, not as fast as me—but she can run, she’s tall, and she’s determined.
