Page 84 of My Rebel

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“Yes.” Aaryan splayed a hand out. “Shall I show you to the door?”

Vihaan growled. He took an irate step forward and she held his hand to stop him.

She glared at Aaryan. “If you’re behaving like a grouch to me because I slept with your brother, then allow me to remind you that first, it’s none of your business, and second, I seduced him, so it’s not his fault.”

Seeing Aaryan’s jaw drop was priceless. She would never allow anyone to treat her with less than the respect she deserved and what she’d told Aaryan was the truth. Whatever had happened between Vihaan and her, didn’t concern anyone else.

Vihaan snickered. “Fuck! I do love your spirit.”

Avi chuckled. “I like her.” She walked up to Tiya and drew her in a hug. “Ignore my eldest brother. He’s always a grump and very protective of all of us.”

When Avi released her, Tiya finally noticed the beautiful tattoo that was etched across one side of her upper body. Swirls of vines and roses with thorns and butterflies fluttering across flowed in an intricate pattern from Avi’s throat, down her shoulder to the front of her right arm, right up to her middle finger. The ink looked stunning against her pale complexion and hid all her scars, as was the clear intent. Last night, when Vihaan had introduced them, Tiya hadn’t noticed her much, but Vihaan’s sister was gorgeous. She was tall and slim, and had a fabulous figure despite having an eleven-year-old.

“You’re so pretty,” Tiya praised. “I love your ink.”

Immediately, a shutter fell on the other woman’s face.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for my words to upset you in any way.”

“It’s fine.” Avi’s expression cleared. “I actually wanted to thank you for all that you did for my son last night.”

“I’m glad I could help. He seems like a good kid. He was very worried about you.”

Avi smiled. “He is a great kid.”

“I have to go,” Tiya said. “My cab must be waiting.”

Vihaan opened the door for her and when he attempted to follow her, she halted him.

“Stay,” she said. “I know they want to talk to you. Your brother looks stressed. I can find my way down.”

Vihaan palmed her face and kissed her lips. A fire leapt and burned between them and it took supreme effort for her to step away from him. The elevator doors swung shut and Tiya sagged against the mirror. She’d left her heart behind with that man and he didn’t even know it.

She wished she could tell him what she felt about him. She wished he’d trust her enough to take the next step with her. Already, he’d confided in her about his past.

She straightened. It dawned on her that Vihaan had been keeping her at a distance because he’d been scared to trust her with his past. But now, he had trusted her and there was nothing left to hold him back. Even his friend Sheena had told her that if her let her in then it meant he felt something for her. Happiness assaulted her chest. Maybe now she could convince him that they belonged together. Her breaths quickened. She couldn’t wait to meet him again and talk to him.

* * *

Half an hour later,she entered her own bedroom and found her dad sitting on her bed, phone in hand. His eyes took her in, pausing at the large shirt she was wearing, clearly missing nothing.

“Uh hi!” she said, unsure of what to tell him. “You’re up early.”

“I couldn’t sleep.” Her dad patted the place beside him. “Come, sit with me.”

She dropped down next to him.

“It seems things have progressed too far between you and him,” he said.

Embarrassment scorched her cheeks, and she lowered her lashes, unable to look at her father.

“Do you love him?” he asked.

She finally raised her eyes to meet his. “Yes.”

Her dad’s face crumpled.

She frowned. “What is it, Dad? You don’t like him, is it?”
