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“It’s not,” Abby said. She gave Keira a small smile. “I want to get married before the baby comes.”

“I get it.”

“I don’t,” Zander said bluntly. “Clearly, any sort of excitement upsets her. All we did is walk in the door, and by the way, you need better security, and she nearly had the baby. A wedding will be too much. You should call it off. Which is a bit of an inconvenience for us since we traveled all this way. I suppose we can still go and find Max’s sister.”

“We’re not calling off the wedding,” Abby said. “Wait, Max’s sister?”

Kent was staring down at Keira’s left hand. “You’re engaged? To Zander? Are you sure you want to marry him?”

Keira gave him a small smile. “I’m sure.”

“Why wouldn’t she want to marry me?” Zander demanded.

“No idea,” Kent said. “Wait, did you say Max?”

Why were they so interested in Max? Seemed odd. “I used to, well, sort of date this guy, Max. He said his sister lived in Wishingbone, only he never told me her name. We didn’t really talk about much. Well, unless he was complaining about how everyone was out to get him. I thought he was a good guy in the beginning, but he used drugs a lot and he used to hit me, and lie to me. Anyway, I don’t know why I feel like I should meet his sister. Maybe she’s just as mean as him.”

“She’s not,” Kent said in a soft voice, sitting beside Abby and taking her hand in his. That was cute. Although she wished they’d offer them a seat. Maybe Kent actually wasn’t okay about her being here. “She’s actually very sweet.”

“You know her?” Keira asked. Well, that was easy. “Can you introduce me? Unless you think that will be weird for her. I don’t want to do anything to upset her.”

“Actually,” Abby said. “You’ve already met her. Hi, I’m Abby. Max’s sister.”

Okay, now she had to sit. She moved to a chair. “You’re Max’s sister?”


“Wow, you’re so much nicer than he was,” she blurted out, then put her hand over her mouth. “Oh shit, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that!”

“It’s okay. I know . . . I know what Max was like. Sometimes, he’d get rough with me too.”

“Shit, I’m so sorry. He wasn’t always so mean, but with the drugs . . .”

“Yeah,” Abby said. “I know.”

“I’m sorry for your loss, though.”

“Max played with fire. In the end it got him.” Abby cleared her throat. “Max never told me about you, though. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend.”

“Well, it was nothing official. I think I was more a punching bag for when he got frustrated or life wasn’t going how he wanted.”

Abby winced. “Oh God. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. Really. I should never have got involved with him. I was desperate for some help with my sister and I thought Max would help. But he never intended to help me. Max only helped himself.”

“Yes,” Abby whispered. “He did.”

She should probably stop slagging her brother.

“Zander, you never told us any of this,” Kent said.

“Told you what? I didn’t know that Abby and Max were brother and sister.”

“Yes, but if you’d told me that Keira had dated a guy called Max with a sister in Wishingbone then I would have pieced it together earlier.”

“I suppose you would have. But why would I tell you that?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Because I was the one who sent you to find Keira and keep her safe? And instead, you kept her and didn’t tell me anything about what she told you.”
