Page 17 of The One

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Some Clue

“You were gone a long time,” Whitney said to her when she walked in the door through the garage. She’d taken Ben out of the stroller, him not fighting her to get down like he normally did to move. She’d worn him out well.

“He’s going to nap for you this afternoon,” she said. “He ran around nonstop and I lost track of time.”

“Dog,” Ben said, wiggling now. She set him down and took his jacket, shoes and hat off.

Whitney lifted her eyebrow. “Dog?”

She hadn’t sent the pictures she’d taken to anyone yet. She got thinking if she did that she’d have to explain what happened, but now Ben gave it away anyway.

She could lie, but why bother at this point?

“We ran into one of my patients in the park and he was walking his puppy. Ben got excited and wanted to see him. I got some pictures. I was going to tease Trey with it and tell him if Ben got a puppy maybe he’d be more excited over his sister.”

“Don’t even think of it,” Whitney said, laughing. “I can’t handle a dog too.”

“You can handle anything and everything and you know it,” she said, grinning.

Whitney started to get Ben’s lunch ready. “If you say so,” Whitney said. “Why don’t you pull out the sandwich meats and pasta salad. I’ll get Ben’s lunch together and you can get yours and we can chat.”

She went about making herself at home in her brother’s new house. It’d always be Whitney’s house in her mind. The one she had built with her first husband, but yet there were so many touches of Trey and Ben in it now.

She’d never been able to accomplish that when she was living with Mike. The apartment they shared looked more like him than her. She’d tried and did things and would come home and find it all changed or moved.

If she asked him, he’d say no. She got fed up with hearing that and did it anyway. It was her place too. She soon realized he was very OCD and couldn’t accept change in any form.

Though he had no problem with her leaving, which was a major change, so that should have been some clue she’d waited way too long.

When everyone had their lunch, they sat at the table and started to eat. “Tell me about this dog,” Whitney said. “I’m sure I’m going to hear a lot about it now.”

She grinned and pulled her phone out of her pocket and pushed it to Whitney. “It’s a boxer. His name is George.”

“Aw,” Whitney said. “He’s adorable. He’s almost as big as Ben.”

“Hardly. It’s just they are sitting down. He was so good too. Ben and George.”

“I can see that. Ben can be rough. No problems?”

“No,” she said. “Rick and I were watching them both.”

“Rick?” Whitney asked.

Maybe she needed someone to talk about and it was easier to do it with Whitney alone than with Trey here. “Rick Masters. He came in a few days ago for a consult.”

“Someone older?”

“No,” she said. “Thirty-four. Nice guy. Single. Really hot.”

“Ohhhh,” Whitney said. “Now we are getting somewhere. I can’t say that I’ve heard you’ve even been looking at anyone.”

“I haven’t been. Men suck for the most part.”

“There are some exceptions. I’m married to one,” Whitney said.

“You are,” she said. “And there are a lot of exceptions, but I can’t seem to find them.”
