Page 33 of Hybrid Hearts

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I step into the shower and take my time under the warm water, enjoying the heat. It’s been slightly colder this past month, not by much but enough for a girl who usually wears skirts to notice and be mildly irritated.

I turn the water off with a sigh when I’m done, grabbing a towel and going still at the sound of the front door being thumped hard. I almost jump out of my skin. Shivering, I dry off, trying to remember if Adrian locked the door. I think he was kind of distracted when he walked in on me with Carter.

I freeze up for a second, thoughts of the nightmare I went through to get here flooding my head.

It’s not going to happen again. It can’t happen again.

Still, I feel sick at the thought that someone could just walk into our home.

I step out of the bathroom as quietly as possible, rushing across the hall into the room I share with Adrian. Carter wakes up with a start when I blow out a breath.

He rubs at his eyes and gives me a concerned stare. “What’s wrong? You feel all panicked.”

“Someone’s at the door,” I tell him, keeping my tone hushed.

Whoever’s out there probably can’t hear us, but I can’t help it. I’m freaking out.

Carter gets up and wraps his arms around me. “It’s okay. You’re safe. We’ve got you.”

“The door isn’t locked,” I whisper.

He drops his arms and I move quickly to throw on clothes. One of Silas’ T-shirts is lying in the corner of the room, where Adrian threw it when he told me to stop wearing his Beta’s clothes and I refused. I grab it and throw it on. Then I manage to find plain underwear and a pair of jeans I haven’t worn too often. I’m without a bra, but I doubt anyone will notice with how baggy the shirt is.

“No one’s just going to walk right...” Carter starts, trailing off when the sound of the door opening and footsteps entering prove him wrong.

I look at our Alpha passed out on the bed, and Carter opens the bedroom door a crack before turning to me. “Stay here.”

“You’re naked!” I protest, as he shrugs carelessly.

The only thing he’s wearing are his favorite leather cuffs on his wrists, and they’re definitely more like jewellery than clothing. He leaves the room, closing the door firmly.

I move to the bed and shake Adrian’s shoulder.

He’s kind of funny when it comes to sleeping. He resists it because he has prophetic dreams some of the time, but when he does fall asleep, he either wakes up at the slightest movement or noise, or he passes out cold and nothing can wake him until he’s well and truly rested.

Too bad tonight seems to be the second of the two.

I sigh, and step out of the room, determined to look after our Omega against whoever thinks they can just walk into our house. The more I think about that, the madder it makes me.

I start down the stairs, calling out, “Carter!”

I can hear voices, but they’re not clear enough to make out.

My mate comes to the foot of the stairs, one of the couch cushions covering his crotch.

“It’s for you,” he tells me, giving me a sheepish smile. “I should grab some pants.”

He darts past me, and I move down the rest of the stairs at a quickened pace.

I can’t think how someone could possibly be looking for me, and badly enough to walk into our house. Then I catch the scent of wolves and gators, mixed.

I raise my eyebrows at Danny, and at Amanda’s high school friend. I haven’t really spent much time around Jillian. She seems a little bit flaky and kind of cagey, but it could just be that my wolf isn’t overly fond of her gator. Whether or not I like her doesn’t matter right now. I recognize the worry in her eyes all too well. Panic swells in me. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s Amanda,” the brunette in the pink dress tells me. “She’s in trouble. We need your help.”

My heart sinks as I remember what I did in class today. If this has anything to do with what I did, I’ll never forgive myself. “What happened?”

“She called you, but she couldn’t reach you,” Danny says, taking over when he looks at his mate. “She doesn’t know where she is exactly, but she’s in the woods and she thinks she’s caught in some kind of spell.”
