Page 37 of Hybrid Hearts

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I don’t get out of the woods. I walk for close to an hour and I still can’t see the road ahead.

It’s not right. I know it isn’t.

I stop walking and look around. Nothing is familiar, and the woods look the same no matter which way I look. I cast a simple spell to detect magic, and everything around me shimmers. Everything.

Shivers run down my spine.

I’m going to have to call for help.

I won’t be able to get out of here on my own.

I don’t know what’s happened, and my magic isn’t strong enough to break whatever spell or curse this is I’m being bound by. I wouldn’t even know where to start.

I think about Dante, but he’s kind of secretive about that side of himself since he embraced his pack, almost as if he’s ashamed of his warlock half now. I don’t know if he can help, but I know he would kill himself trying if I asked. I can’t ask. As much as it hurts to admit that, I can’t do it.

I remember what Rachel did to those girls in class and I wonder if she could teleport me out of this nightmare. It’s worth a shot. She’s probably my best chance at breaking free.

I make the call, and she doesn’t pick up. I get her voicemail and hang up.

She could be at dinner, or in the bathroom. Or she could be spending time with her mates, not wanting to be disturbed. I try once more before I give up on that idea. My battery could run out by the time I reach her. I need to try something else.

Again, Dante’s face flashes through my head, and again I shut the idea down quickly.

I want to trust that he wouldn’t rush out here alone, that he wouldn’t do anything crazy to try and help me, but I don’t.

I could call Parker, but I know he tries to stay away from his phone when I’m out with one of my other mates. He doesn’t like to be tempted to check in.

The loft phone might be an option, if I’d bothered to put the number in my phone.

I try calling Sean, but I get sent straight to his voicemail. I try to quash the worry that rises in me when I can’t reach him. He’s not really known for keeping his cell charged and on his person.

There’s only one more number in my phone that I can try now.

Jillian’s my last hope. I cross my fingers that she’s not so busy she doesn’t notice I’m calling.

I let out a relieved sigh when she answers, and I explain my situation as quickly as possible, hyper aware that my battery could die at any moment. I hang up and try not to notice how dark and creepy the woods have gotten during the space of the call.

I turn the phone off in the hopes of preserving the battery.

I hope I don’t need to make another call.

I stand around for a few minutes, before deciding I need to keep moving. It’s getting kind of cold, and it freaks me out to think someone cast a spell on me, or on the woods around me. I don’t want to stand around and wait for whoever did this to reveal themselves.

The thought gives me shivers.

I still when I hear twigs cracking on the ground behind me. My stomach drops, and laughter rings out behind me. Very familiar, bitchy laughter. Oh Goddess. It’s the witches from the academy.

I turn, trying to keep my expression neutral. I can’t let them see how afraid I am.

The leader stalks toward me with a smirk on her raspberry painted lips.

“Thanks for calling a friend,” she tells me. “Once she gets here the party can really start.”

She nods at her blonde friend, who quickly moves behind me and yanks my arms behind my back.

Panic swells in me as I hear her start a binding spell. She’s taking away what little resources I have!

I feel my teeth and claws sharpen and my vision glows.
